32. Next Step or Too Far?

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Maya's POV

After the fallout from the pictures life falls into a new routine, one where I'm allowed to spend time with Josh on the weekends and we're able to hang out at each other's houses until eight on weeknights. It's almost Christmas break but there was one thing we had to get through before we were able to be off for two straight weeks.

"Lucas asked me" Riley exclaims, running up to my locker on Monday morning. She was of course talking about the winter formal. The last thing I was just talking about. It was always a winter wonderland theme and it was always extremely cheesy but I wanted nothing more than to go. It was this Friday and Josh had yet to ask me, I was starting to have Lucas and Riley semi-formal flashbacks from middle school.

"Did he really ask you?" I question as she shrugs.

"He asked me what color my dress is" she says making me laugh. The two had made an agreement in which they never really had to ask about dances, they always knew they would go together so that they never had another semi-formal debacle.

"I'm happy for you Riles" I smile when suddenly I feel hands wrapping around my waist.

"Morning" Josh whispers in my ear.

"Morning" I reply with a smile, turning around to face him and reaching up to give him a quick kiss.

"I'll leave the two of you alone" Riley smirks as she walks away, leaving me alone with my boyfriend.

"You coming to the library for tutoring today?" he asks as I nod, we had snuck into Cory's room a few more times but it was too risky to make a habit of it. While my dad trusted Josh enough to let us date he still knew we were two hormonal teenagers who given the chance would probably tear each other's clothes off.

"Of course" I smile. "Why?" I question as a smile plays on his lips but he simply shrugs.

"Just miss you" he lies making me narrow my eyes at him as the bell rings. "Gotta go babe, catch you later" he smiles, kissing my cheek and rushing off down the hall leaving me curious and confused.

~ 📚 ~

Class seems to take longer than usual, I find myself staring at the clock counting down the seconds until free period. I had no idea what the hell my boyfriend was up to but I was beyond excited to find out.

"You look anxious" Lucas whispers making me shoot him an aggravated glare, he smirks and leans back in his chair leaving me alone for the time being. I return my gaze to the clock, and when the bell rings I find myself jumping out of my seat.

My feet carry me straight to the library and the second I pull open the doors a gasp escapes my lips. If anyone truly believed Josh was an unfeeling jackass then they could kiss my ass because someone who cared so little about me would never be capable of something like this.

The library was completely transformed into a winter wonderland with paper snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. I see Josh leaning against our usual table with a smirk plastered on his face and my heart swells.

I move towards him speechless. "What's up gorgeous?" he asks playfully.

"What?" I question, unable to form a coherent thought.

"Seems having your brother work at a school has its advantages" he shrugs making a laugh escape my lips. This was unbelievable. "So" he smiles, taking my hand in his, "will you be my date to the winter formal?" he asks, I simply nod, still unable to form a sentence. "Great" he smiles brightly, "you wanna help me clean up?" he asks making a laugh bubble out of me.

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