37. Cookies and Movies

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Maya's POV

I get to miss the last three days before Christmas break which is probably the only upside to being in a car accident, that and getting waited on hand and foot. Other than that it really, really sucked. I wanted to leave my house, enjoy the snow, do something. "Peaches" Riley smiles as she leans against my doorway with her backpack still on her shoulder.

"Hey" I smile, popping a marshmallow into my mouth. "How was school?" I ask curiously as she drops her bag and moves to take a seat beside me on the bed.

"Boring" she shrugs. "It's not like we do anything right before break."

"Yea" I reply as I pop another marshmallow into my mouth. "Hey you wanna do something tonight?" I ask hopefully making her eye me suspiciously.

"What on earth could we do? You're on bedrest" she reminds me.

"More like house arrest" I reply. "I wanna do something. Let's bake cookies" I exclaim in excitement. "They'll be the perfect dessert for tomorrow" I gush making my best friend chuckle.

"Fine" she gives in, "but let me help you." I nod and allow her to help me down to the kitchen. I get downstairs without much difficulty and lean against the counter. "Are we making them from scratch or do you have like Tollhouse or something?" she asks making me chuckle. I wince.

"Scratch. All the stuff we need should be in the pantry" I add. She nods and walks over to retrieve the ingredients as the front door opens and my boyfriend walks in. "Did you just let yourself in?" I laugh, looking up at him amusedly.

"I did" he replies. "What's up gorgeous? What are you guys doing?"

"Baking" Riley smiles, setting the ingredients out on the counter. "You wanna help?"

"Sure" he smiles, shrugging off his jacket and throwing it onto the couch before rolling up his sleeves and coming to stand beside me. "How are you?" he asks as watches Riley dig out the mixer.

"Better" I reply with a soft smile. "How are you?" I ask, bumping my shoulder into his.

"Lonely. I miss you at school" he confesses. "I miss our tutoring sessions."

"Oh you mean the illegal ones?" I giggle.

"They aren't illegal. I just don't get credit for them" he explains making a smile pull at my lips as I watch him animatedly explain the concept to me. "What?" he asks when he's done and realizes my staring.

"Nothing" I insist, shaking my head. "Just love you" I add as I lean up to kiss him.

"Ew" Riley exclaims as she throws flour at us. We pull apart and gape at her.

"What the hell Riles?" Josh laughs, running his fingers through his hair making the situation worse.

"Less kissing, more baking" she insists.

"Why? You jealous Riley?" he teases as her eyes widen and she takes off. Josh laughs and runs after her, catching her around the waist and planting a kiss on her cheek making me laugh.

"Ew Josh gross" she laughs, wiping her cheek with her hand.

"You love me" he shrugs, letting her go and walking back over to me.

"Do not" Riley argues playfully as she walks back over to us. "Are we baking or having a food fight?" she asks. Josh and I exchange a look and without a word we grab the flour and the baking soda and pour them over Riley's head. "Oh my god" she exclaims as she stares up at us. "You are so dead" she insists, grabbing the bag of chocolate chips and throwing handfuls at the two of us. I move Josh in front of me as a shield which he doesn't appreciate but I only laugh.

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