11. Sick Days and Fights

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Josh's POV

I wake up on Monday morning coughing and I moan in annoyance. I hated getting sick. My family went into panic mode when I got sick because of my lung infection I had when I was born. I climb out of bed and start getting ready so that I can get to school before Topanga realizes I'm under the weather.

I'm sitting on the edge of my bed, pulling on my shoes when my phone rings. Maya. A smile pulls at my lips as I answer the phone.

"Yes?" I ask playfully as the phones connect.

"Morning" she says brightly as I cough. "Josh are you okay?" she asks worriedly making me close my eyes in annoyance. Shit. She knows too.

"I'm fine gorgeous" I assure her as I stand up, suddenly feeling a bit lightheaded. "Woah" I say as I regain my balance.

"You don't sound fine. Josh you sound sick. You better not be coming to school."

"You aren't my mom" I snap as I hang up the phone, throwing it onto the bed before it starts ringing again. I hear a knock on my door and I sigh as I walk over to open it, finding Topanga on the other side.

"You don't look so good" she says as she looks at me. "You're pale. Are you feeling okay?"

"Just a little cough" I shrug making her eyes widen.

"Bed. Now. You aren't going to school today."

"But" I try to argue but she shoots me an annoyed look, pointing back at the bed.

"Now' she repeats making me sigh as I walk back over to my bed.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

It's becoming obvious that I can't order Josh around. He doesn't respond very well to being told what to do. I know skipping school to see him is the exact kind of thing my dad was trying to argue with me about in terms of him being a bad influence but he had no idea I was coming. This had nothing to do with him.

I reach the loft and I know that everyone else is gone. Riley is at school thinking that I'm sick, I just hope she doesn't link the illnesses together. Auggie is at school and Cory and Topanga are at work. The house has to be empty. Except for the person I was looking for.

I let myself in with the key Riley gave me and I head off towards his bedroom. The door is surprisingly open and I smile as I lean against the doorframe. He's watching television, coughing up a storm.

"Hey" I say quietly causing his eyes to flit up to mine, a smile pulling at his lips while his eyes cloud with worry.

"You shouldn't be here" he says quickly as I shake my head, heading further into the room.

"True but you're sick and I pissed you off this morning. I felt bad" I say honestly as I come to take a seat on the edge of his bed. "I know I'm not your mom and I'm sorry if I ever come off as bossy."

"I know you didn't mean to upset me. You care, it's cute. It's just hard for me to take orders from people. My mom was like the only person in the world that I actually listened to. Without her here I kinda do what I want and I'm not used to being told otherwise."

"What about Topanga?" I ask curiously causing him to shrug.

"I listen to her but she's not as bossy as my mom used to be. I think she knows there's a fine line with me and she doesn't want to overstep."

"It's nice that you have Cory and Topanga" I smile as he nods in agreement.

"I'd be beyond lost without them" he agrees. "But I still miss my parents."

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