53. Answer or Ignore

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Maya's POV

"If I fail will you still love me?" I ask making Josh laugh as he turns around to face me where I'm sitting on his bed.

"Baby you aren't gonna fail" he insists. "We may have gotten a little distracted sometimes throughout the year but I'd like to think I did a pretty good job tutoring you. Don't you think?" he asks making a smile pull at my lips as I think back on the entire year. It had it's ups and downs but at the end of the day I could say with absolute certainty that it was worth it.

"I guess" I smirk making him chuckle.

"You know I'm proud of you right?" he asks as he reaches forward to caress my cheek. "Like beyond proud."

I blush under his caress and nod. "I know" I reply honestly. "And I'm proud of you" I add as I motion to him standing before me in his cap and gown. Topanga had insisted he try it on before the ceremony next weekend. "I mean it's not every day that your boyfriend graduates."

"You're gonna be there right?" he checks. "Because I need you sitting front row."

"Don't worry" I insist. "I will be there. I promise."

"Good" he sighs.

"Josh" Topanga shouts from the living room making Josh groan as he steps back. I chuckle as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Sometimes I really hate my family" he lies making me smile as I climb off his bed.

"You love them" I argue playfully. "Come on before they knock down your door."

~ 📚 ~

"Hey kiddo" my dad smiles as he knocks on my door later that evening. I had just gotten back from Josh's a little while ago and I had immediately slipped off to my room to get some last minute studying done.

"Hey dad" I greet him without looking up from the equation that was giving me trouble. "What's up?" I ask as I tap my bottom lip with my pencil's eraser.

"Just checking in" he smiles. "You studying for your math final?" he asks as he moves into my room, leaning over me.

"Yea" I sigh. "I can't figure out this damn equation. It's the only one I have left on the review."

"Did you ask Josh for help?" he asks as I lean back in my seat at the same time my dad moves to sit on my bed.

"You're encouraging me to seek Josh's help?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. "Who are you and what have you done with my father?" I ask playfully making him chuckle.

"I trust him. It took me a while but I can see that he really does care about you" he says seriously causing a smile to tug at my lips.

"That he does" I confirm. "But I really don't want to bug him anymore tonight. Sometimes I feel like I probably drive him nuts" I admit making my dad chuckle.

"Kiddo I don't think you could ever drive that boy nuts. Just call him" he insists.

"Are you sure you don't know the answers?" I ask making him chuckle as he shakes his head.

"Sorry kid but the math you kids do nowadays is way past anything I learned in my day" he says making me laugh as I nod in understanding. "You can call Josh but make sure you get some sleep tonight. You need to be well rested for your exams" he says seriously. I nod as he slips out of my room and I reach over to grab my phone, dialing his number. It rings five times before the sixth ring is cut off. I look at my phone in confusion.

"What the hell?" I mutter as I call him again but this time the call goes directly to voicemail.

~ 📚 ~

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