39. Bad News and Boyfriend Goals

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Maya's POV

"Maya it's time to get up" my mom exclaims making me groan as I turn over and bury my face in my pillow. New Year's had passed uneventfully. There was a huge snowstorm and everyone was snowed in meaning I got to spend the holiday on the couch with my parents instead of in my bedroom with my boyfriend. Not that I was still bitter about it or anything. Regardless the holiday came and went and now it's the first day back to school. I had been dreading this day more than anything for the past week but now here it was. "Maya" my mom shouts sternly, pounding on my door.

"I'm up" I shout back as I turn to lie on my back, looking up at my ceiling. I push my hair back and run my hands over my face. I reluctantly climb out of bed and walk over to my closet. I grab a white sweater dress and a pair of sparkly black leggings and wander into my bathroom. I turn on the faucet and grab my toothbrush quickly brushing my teeth while I heat up my flat iron. I apply a light coat of makeup before my flat iron is hot. I run the iron through my locks and once I'm done I start getting dressed. I pause to look at the bruises on my ribs that have almost completely healed at this point. I could even laugh now without wincing. I put on a white lace push up bra and a matching pair of panties before slipping into my leggings and pulling my dress over my head.

"You're gonna be late" my dad says, taking over the knocking for my mother. I roll my eyes and head back to my bedroom grabbing my phone and my backpack before opening the door.

"Ready" I force a smile as I brush past him. I skip down the stairs and grab a bagel, smearing strawberry cream cheese over it and taking a bite. "I'll see you guys later" I say with my mouth full of bagel, grabbing my keys from the hook.

"Bye" they shout after me as I open the door and head out. I climb into my car and send off a quick text to Josh letting him know that I'm on my way before heading off. Since the accident was the demise of Josh's car he doesn't have transportation so I'm repaying him for all the rides he's given me and I'm picking him up. I pull up to his house a little after 7:30. I honk the horn and my boyfriend appears, running down the steps of the front of the loft complex. He yanks open the car door and climbs in.

"Shit it's cold" he rubs his hands together making me laugh.

"It's the middle of winter in New York" I remind him, running my hands over my steering wheel.

"Yea, yea" he replies, blowing on his hands.

"You were outside for five seconds" I laugh as I put my car in drive and pull out into traffic.

"I'm sensitive to the cold."

"Okay" I laugh as I head off towards school. "How was the rest of your break?" I ask conversationally.

"Sucked" he replies, leaning his head back. "I missed you" he adds sweetly, moving his head to look at me.

"Missed you too" I smile as we pull up to school. "Would it be awful if we ditched?"

"Probably" he replies making me moan in annoyance. "Babe it's gonna be fine" he assures me, placing his hand on my thigh.

"I can't wait until summer."

"Me either. Have I mentioned how fucking cold it is outside?" he asks making me laugh as I roll my eyes and yank open my car door.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

School is more boring than I remember it being a couple weeks ago. My senioritis was getting to an all-time high. I'm sitting in my English class and I couldn't tell you in the slightest what the hell my teacher is going on about. I pull my phone out of my pocket and open my text thread with Maya. Then I remember she's in math and I close it. I stare at the clock for the rest of class and basically sprint out of my seat when the bell rings. I head straight for the library and expect to find my bright and bubbly girlfriend but instead I find my girlfriend sobbing. "Maya" I say, concern lacing my voice as I rush over to her, throwing my books onto the table and pulling the blonde into my arms. "Baby what's wrong?" I ask softly, rubbing my hands down her back.

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