38. Letters and Promises

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Josh's POV

"Merry Christmas" Maya exclaims, shaking me awake the next morning. I groan and try to shake off the gorgeous blonde. "Josh" she moans in annoyance, "baby wake up" she insists.

"No" I groan, burying my face in her pillows.

"Ugh" she sighs, grabbing my shoulder and yanking me onto my back. Her lips land on mine and my eyes pop open. I bring my hand up and wrap it around her neck pulling her closer as I let my eyes flutter shut again. I swipe my tongue across her bottom lip trying to deepen the kiss but she pulls back with a smirk. "Morning."

"Morning" I whisper as I gaze up at my girlfriend. "Why do you wake up so damn early? You do know that Santa Claus isn't real right?"

"Haha" she smiles. "Christmas was never anything spectacular when I was growing up" she admits. "We didn't have Santa Claus, we had an elf that my mom dressed up as every year. There were years when I didn't even get Christmas presents because my mom couldn't afford it" she explains. A new wave of sympathy rushes over me. I take her hand and continue to listen to her intently. "So when Shawn and my mom got married all I wanted was to have a traditional Christmas. Waking up early, opening presents, and spending the entire day with family."

"Well when you put it that way" I smile, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to my girlfriend's lips. "Merry Christmas baby."


Maya's POV

"Shawn I think we're missing one of Maya's presents" my mom says as she twists her body around, looking for something. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. They had already bought me a new sweater, a new bottle of my favorite perfume, and the book Before I Fall because I was going on and on about the movie.

"Missing one? Mom and dad this is more than enough" I insist, looking around at all of my presents scattered on the ground around me.

"No" Shawn insists, "there was one more" he says, walking over to the door. "Oh, whoops. We forgot to wrap it" he laughs lightly, grabbing a key off the hook. "Catch" he smirks, tossing the keys to me.

"What?" I ask confused, catching the keys in my hands and turning them over to get a better look at them. They weren't for either of my parent's car. "Oh my god" I shout, standing up and staring at my parents in shock. "What?"

"Merry Christmas baby girl" my mom smiles.

"What?" I exclaim as I quickly run to the door and yank it open. I rush out of the house and sitting in front of our house is red Volkswagen bug parked on the curb with a white bow tied to the hood.

"A girl I work with has a daughter who just bought a new car and she was selling this one. It's not brand new but-."

"It's perfect" I assure my mom, turning to face her. "It is beyond perfect. Thank you, thank you" I smile, pulling her into a hug, ignoring the pain shooting through me as she hugs me back.

"You guys are the best" I exclaim as I pull my dad in for a hug.

"We're glad you like it" my dad smiles.

"Can I take it for a test drive?" I ask, gnawing my bottom lip and holding my hands together in a plea.

"I don't know" my dad sighs.

"Please. Please. Just around the block" I beg. "I'll take Josh with me."

"Oh yea that makes me feel better" my dad laughs. "But go ahead" he smiles. "But if you aren't back in fifteen minutes your car privileges will be revoked."

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