36. Teasing and Pleasing

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*WARNING: Strong Sexual Dialogue*

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Josh's POV

Maya is finally discharged later that evening. I ride with Shawn and Katy to take her home and now I'm in her room. "Are you sure you have everything you need?" I ask frantically as I look down at my girlfriend. She giggles, winces and nods her head.

"Josh I'm fine" she insists. "I have my water, my phone, my charger, my laptop, the remote, extra blankets and pillows if I need them" she lists. "Baby I'm fine. You need to go home and get some sleep."

"I won't be sleeping but if you want me to go then I'll go" I reply making her roll her eyes playfully.

"You haven't had a good night's sleep since everything happened. You need to go home and relax. I'll be fine" she insists. "You can check in on me as many times as you want" she adds comfortingly. I sigh, rubbing my neck.

"Fine" I give as I walk over to her and kiss the top of her head. "I love you" I whisper as I pull back and stare into her shimmering blue eyes.

"And I love you" she replies as she smiles back at me. "I'll see you tomorrow" she assures me. I nod and peck her lips before standing up and heading out of her bedroom.

"Um could I maybe get a ride home?" I ask as I descend the stairs. Shawn and Katy both look up at me and exchange a look.

"I'll drive you home" Shawn volunteers as he stands up and kisses Katy's cheek. "Come on" he smiles as he motions to the door. I follow him out to his car and climb in. He turns on the car and starts the familiar drive to Cory's. "I haven't really had a chance to thank you" Shawn says out of the blue making me turn my gaze to him quickly.

"Thank me?" I ask confused causing Shawn to chuckle.

"You saved Maya's life" he says. "That car could've killed her." I stare at Shawn in shock. Didn't anyone get it? This was my fault. I was driving. I should've been more careful. Hell we should've still been at the dance. We were only leaving so we could have sex. Thanking me is the last thing Shawn should be doing.

"It was my fault Shawn. You don't need to thank me" I shake my head as we stop at a red light.

"Your fault? How would this be your fault?" Shawn asks confused as his eyes burn into mine.

"We left early" I whisper. "We were supposed to still be at the damn dance but we left early. If we would've just stayed" I trail off, rubbing my neck. "I should've been paying more attention. I was too damn caught up in her. It's all my fault" I insist. Shawn falls silent. The rest of the drive to my house is long and quiet. He pulls up to Cory's and I grab the door handle but he locks the doors trapping me inside.

"It wasn't your fault Josh" he says softly making me look up at him. "In college I had the world's worst professor. He was scum but he taught me one thing. Fate is fate" he explains. "You can try as hard as you can to not let anything bad happen to you but in the end fate is more powerful." I stare at him dumbfounded.

"So you're saying that we would've gotten in that accident regardless?"

"Yes" he says confidently. "Even if Cory never leaves his house that bus is still gonna get him" he adds making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion but he only laughs. "My point is, stop beating yourself up about it. You and Maya are alive and that's all that matters."

"I thought I was gonna lose her Shawn. My parents and my girl. I couldn't take that" I shake my head as tears start to fall from my eyes. "I don't know what I would've done if I'd lost her."

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