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3 Years Later...

Maya's POV

"Maya" Josh laughs as he brings another box into the apartment while I sit on top of the counter with my legs hanging off the edge. "We still have half the truck to unload" he points out as he places the box on the floor before standing back up and placing his hands on his hips.

"I know" I shrug. "But I'm tired. Can't we like take a break or something?" I ask, biting my lip. He chuckles as he walks towards me, encircling me in his arms.

"We have to get the truck back tonight or they charge us for another day" he argues lightly. "So as much as I'd love to take a break with you" he smirks as he rubs his thumb over my hip. "I'm gonna have to turn you down." My lips turn to a frown making him chuckle as he leans forward to peck my lips before stepping away from me. "So you gonna help or not?" he asks.

I sigh as I hop off the counter. "Can't I like unpack in here or something?" I shout as Riley walks into the apartment with a box that most likely contained pillows since Lucas and Josh wouldn't let her lift much more than that.

"Tired already?" Riley laughs as she puts down the box. "Isn't that my thing?" she asks. Riley and Lucas had gotten married a year ago almost immediately after we graduated. It wasn't really surprising since they were practically a married couple throughout our entire time in high school and we were all thrilled when they announced they were expecting a couple months ago. You couldn't even tell that she pregnant at this point but the boys were still treating her as if she was a glass doll.

"Haha" I reply unamused. "Wanna help me unpack some stuff? I really hate living in boxes" I sigh as I look around at the endless stacks of Josh and I's things.

While I was still in high school Josh lived at home, opting out of living in the dorms to save himself some money but when I graduated and started at NYU the two of us decided to embrace the new freedom and the two of us lived on campus. Of course the curse of roommates and quiet hours were a little too much to take so after our hellish year on campus we made the decision to move in together.

My dad of course wasn't thrilled about the aspect of me living with Josh but my mom being the logical one, pointed out that I was twenty years old and more than capable of making my own life decisions.

"Okay" Riley says as she looks around, "where do we start?" she asks.

"Um" I think as I gaze around the space. "Maybe one of the closets. Something that's easy to put away" I shrug. She nods in agreement and the two of us search for boxes labeled for any type of closet. I find two for my own closet and one for Josh's as well as one for the linens.

"Which should we start with?" Riley asks.

"Um. Let's do Josh and I's" I shrug. "That way I can pick out my clothes easier."

"Okay" Riley nods. The two of us lug the three boxes into the room and place them on the bed in the middle of the room. My dad and Josh had come into the place a couple of days ago to put together some of the big projects like our television stand, the dining room table, and the bedframe. "You do your side of the closet and I do Josh's?" she asks and I nod in agreement as I open the door for the walk-in closet.

"Josh has the right side and I have the left" I explain. She nods in understanding and the two of us begin unpacking the boxes. Of course it takes way longer than it should because Riley keeps stopping me and asking to borrow random articles of clothing as I hang them up.

"I'm almost done" Riley shouts from the bedroom while I'm organizing my dresses in the closet. "There are only two more-." Suddenly her voice cuts off and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I peek my head around the corner of the closet.

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