17. Fishbowl or High School

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Maya's POV

The rest of the weekend passes in a blur and I wake up on Monday morning to the sound of my alarm clock blaring. "Ugh" I moan in annoyance as I reach over to shut it off. I climb out of bed and head over to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. I settle on a pair jeans and a red sweater. Once I'm dressed I pull on a pair of boots and throw my hair up before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

"Good morning" I smile as I grab the cereal off the top of the fridge.

"Morning" my dad replies as he looks up from his phone, "do you need a ride to school today?" he asks curiously and as if on cue my phone dings.

BOYFRIEND: Want a ride to school?

"Um I think I got it covered" I reply with a smile as I type back to Josh that I'd love a ride before sitting down at the table with my breakfast.

"Let me guess, Josh is coming" my dad sighs as I shovel cereal into my mouth.

"He is my boyfriend" I remind him after I finish my bite. "Wouldn't it be kinda rude if he didn't offer me a ride?"

"I'd prefer if you never got back in his car to be honest Maya" my dad confesses making me roll my eyes as I take another bite.

"Dad I'm a virgin and I plan to stay that way for a while. Stop worrying so much" I reply as I take my last bite and put my bowl in the sink.

"Easier said than done Maya. You're my daughter" he says making me smile as I walk over to him and kiss the top of his head.

"And you're my dad and I love you. I'll be home later" I add as my phone dings. "Tell mom I love her" I say as I grab my backpack and head to the door. "Bye" I shout over my shoulder before closing the door and making my way to Josh's car. I climb in the passenger seat and smile as I look over at him.

"Morning gorgeous" he says sweetly as he stares back at me. "I like the boots, unfortunately I don't think I'll be the only guy that does" he adds making me chuckle as I reach across the console to kiss him.

"I could take them off if you'd like" I offer as we pull apart.

"I think we should keep all our clothes on in my car" he laughs making me smile as I nod my head in agreement.

"You're probably right" I agree as he puts the car in reverse. "Hey I was doing my math homework last night and there were a couple problems I didn't understand, do you think you could help me today?" I ask curiously as we start driving to school.

"Of course, I am still supposed to be tutoring you" he smiles as he glances over at me. "You can't start failing math because you're my girlfriend" he adds and my heart flutters at his use of the g word. I mean I knew I was his girlfriend but hearing him say it made me happier than I ever imagined. I don't even realize that I don't respond until Josh looks back over at me. "Maya" he says bringing me back as I let out a laugh.

"Oh. Sorry" I laugh as I look back over at him. "I got a little lost in my head."

"Everything okay?" he asks worriedly as he takes my hand in his making my heart flutter as I look down at our intertwined hands and back up at his face.

"Beyond okay" I smile as we pull up to the school. He turns off the car and we head inside hand in hand. I try to ignore the stares from everyone as we walk but it grows more and more difficult the further we go into the school.

"Your hand is shaking. You okay babe?" he whispers in my ear.

"People are staring. Is it really that weird that you have a girlfriend?" I ask as he chuckles and clutches my hand tighter as we reach his locker. I lean against the neighboring one as he pulls it open.

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