26. Set-Ups and Make-Ups

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Maya's POV

"Is that what you're wearing out?" my dad asks as he walks into my bedroom on Friday night while I'm getting ready for the party. Oddly enough, Mike was picking me up and I was actually pretty excited.

"Yea" I reply as I look up at him. "Is there something wrong?" I challenge. I had to admit I was dressed a little slutty, I had on a crop top and black high waisted shorts with a pair of black ankle boots.

"I just. You could cover up a little bit more" he says carefully as I roll my eyes.

"Add it to the list of things you wish I didn't do" I reply annoyed as I grab my phone from my nightstand. "With Josh being at the top of the list right dad?" I snip.

"Maya" he tries but my phone buzzes in my hand.

"Oh. That's Mike. See you later dad" I exclaim as I brush past him and head down to go to the party.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

My phone rings while I'm on my way to Bridget's. I look down at it confused. Shawn was calling me.

"Um hello" I answer carefully.

"What do you know about Mike?" he asks immediately making my blood run cold as I clutch my steering wheel.

"Why?" I ask angrily.

"Because Maya just left here with him" he replies.

"God dammit" I exclaim as I hit my steering wheel.

"I take it from your reaction that this guy isn't a good guy" Shawn guesses as I let out a short laugh.

"He's the dick who actually took topless pictures of your daughter so yea, I'd say he's not a good guy Shawn."

"He's the guy who took them for you" Shawn says as I moan in annoyance.

"Shawn I didn't make him take them and I sure as hell didn't want the damn things. I deleted them Shawn. I would never break her trust like that" I say seriously.

"So why is she hanging out with him?"

"Because you and Katy don't fucking listen and I abandoned her" I reply bluntly.

"She's been a mess" Shawn confesses. "I just. I saw those pictures and" he trails off.

"I know" I reply. "It looked bad but that's what Mike wanted. I ditched him and that was his revenge. Shawn I'm gonna prove he took them."

"And how are you gonna do that?"

"That's not important" I say quickly. "What's important" I add as I pull up to Bridget's house. "Is me finding Maya."

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

"Your drink" Mike smirks as he hands me my cup that I accept graciously.

"You are so polite" I slur with a laugh as I take a sip. I couldn't even tell you which drink I was on. I think it was two. Hell that's a lie, it's like four, maybe five.

"I try" he replies as his arm snakes around my waist. "I told you that you just needed to get to know me Maya" he adds as his hand slips under my shirt, resting on the skin on the small of my back.

"Hey" I say as I wiggle out of his grasp. "None of that" I laugh lightly as I continue to sip my drink.

"Why?" he asks confused. "Come on Maya. He's obviously moved on" he adds as he motions to Josh talking to Bridget in the corner. His eyes flit over to me, locking on mine for a quick few seconds before I can't take the stare and break it. My heart beating fast and my breath getting caught in my throat.

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