27. Texting and Parentals

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Josh's POV

GORGEOUS 💛: I'm quite enjoying being able to txt u again

I laugh as I read the text from Maya. I had unblocked her as soon as I got home last night. I missed the girl much more than I'd like to admit.

JOSH: Same babe 😊 How r u today? Hungover? 😛

GORGEOUS 💛: Hate u

JOSH: Hmmmm doubtful

"Kiddo are you coming downstairs for breakfast?" Topanga asks as she leans against my doorway looking at me worriedly. "You gotta eat."

"I know" I reply honestly. "I was uh texting Maya" I admit as a blush falls on my cheeks.

"Texting Maya?" she says confused as she crosses her arms over her chest. "I didn't know the two of you had made up."

"Uh yea" I reply as I climb out of bed and stalk over to my dresser to retrieve a shirt. "Last night actually" I smile as I pull it over my head.

"Well good" Topanga smiles. "I'm glad to hear that" she adds happily. "Now get your butt downstairs."

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

"How was the party last night?" my mom asks as I come to take a seat at the dining room table across from my dad.

"Good" I reply. It wasn't a total lie. I had drunk way too much and Mike kissed me but I ended the night with Josh which made up for all of it.

"You run into Josh?" my dad asks curiously as he sips his coffee.

"Um" I stutter, "maybe" I admit as I chew my bottom lip while my mom places a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Who brought you home last night?" my dad continues to press. "It didn't look like Mike's car."

"Well" I reply as I pour syrup onto my pancakes. "That's because it wasn't Mike who brought me home" I say carefully. "It was Josh" I finally admit waiting for the explosion.

"So he found you then?" my dad smiles lightly making my head spin as I stare at him in confusion.

"Found me?" I question as my mom places a cup of orange juice in front of me before sitting beside me.

"I called Josh last night" my dad admits. "I was worried about you and strangely" he sighs. "I trust Josh when it comes to you."

"Seriously" I exclaim as I drop my fork.

"Unless I have a reason not to" my dad replies making a chuckle fall from my lips as I shake my head.

"No" I reply seriously. "He saved my ass last night" I admit.

"So things with Mike" my mom trails off as I shake my head.

"Disaster" I confirm. "Josh and I are back together."

"Okay" my mom smiles. "But if we find out he had anything to do with those pictures" she continues but I hold up my hand to stop her.

"I promise he didn't" I reply adamantly. "And we're gonna prove it."

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