44. Lovers or Fighters

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Josh's POV

"Whatcha doin'?" Topanga asks as she leans against the doorway of my bedroom. It was nearing towards the end of January and I was planning something big for my birthday, something I planned to surprise my girlfriend with.

"Planning" I smile as I spin around to face her. "What's up Pangers?" I ask curiously.

"I wanted to discuss next year with you" she says as she walks in, closing the door behind her. "Your plans."

"My plans?" I question as I focus on my sister in law. "Is this the part where you finally confess I've been nothing but an inconvenience and you can't wait for me to leave?"

"How did you guess?" she asks playfully making me chuckle. "Listen Josh that is the last thing I was going to tell you. I know your parents left you some money for college but I just think it would be silly to spend it for the sake of spending it when you have a perfectly nice place to live right here."

"You want me to stay?"

"Cory and I are here. You've been repairing your relationship with Riley and I know you like having Maya just down the street."

"Do I?" I ask with a soft laugh. "That obvious?"

"Extremely" she teases making a smile pull at my lips. "I understand if you want to leave and live in the dorms, it's a new freedom and if you wish to embrace it then I want nothing more than for you to do it but if you want to stay you can" she assures me.

"Thank you Pangers" I reply happily. "Can I think about it?"

"As long as you need" she says sweetly as she stands up. "By the way your girlfriend is down the hall" she adds as she walks out of my room. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before making my way down the hallway to my niece's room. I push open the door and find my girlfriend lying on her back, her head at the foot of the bed while reading a magazine positioned above her head while my niece relaxes against the bay window.

"I don't get Cosmo" Maya says confusedly. "Do girls seriously read this garbage?"

"Um yea" Riley laughs. "It's helpful."

"In what way?" she asks confused. "The pros and cons of losing your virginity on prom night?" she reads. "Riles this is ridiculous."

"I totally agree. And it's also really cliché" I add in. Maya closes the magazine and quickly sits up, locking her blue eyes that are frozen in embarrassment.

"Hey" she blushes.

"You sneak in and don't even say hello" I smirk, leaning against the door.

"I didn't sneak in. I used the front door" she replies sassily making me chuckle.

"Good for you" I commend her. "Well, I will leave you to your reading" I add as I move to leave the room.

"Wait" Maya says, hopping off the bed. She looks to Riley for permission.

"Go" Riley rolls her eyes playfully.

"Thank you" Maya exclaims as she kisses Riley's cheek and follows me to my bedroom.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

I follow Josh to his room and wander inside while he shuts the door behind us. "You staying for dinner?" he asks as I plop down onto his bed.

"Was planning on it" I smile as I look up at him. "Unless you'd like me to leave."

"Absolutely not" he replies as he climbs onto the bed beside me. "How are you today?" he asks, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

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