48. Leaving and Reunions

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Josh's POV

I wake up the next morning to sunlight streaming through my window and my gorgeous blonde girlfriend lying beside me. I smile as I gaze at her sleeping peacefully beside me, her lips parted slightly as she breathes in a slow rhythm. She was my everything that much was made abundantly clear last night. I couldn't live without her.

I decide to let her sleep, leaning forward to leave a soft kiss on the top of her head before climbing out of bed and walking into my bathroom to take a shower. I close the door quietly and undress before stepping into the shower and turning on the water. I take my time, allowing my girlfriend to get a few extra minutes of sleep before I had to inevitably wake her up so that we could get ready to go.

I didn't want to go back to New York anymore, after the amazing weekend her and I had here. I wanted to stay in our bubble but I knew we had to get back to reality.

I climb out of the shower and tie a towel around my waist before walking back into my bedroom.

I look over to the bed, expecting to see my girlfriend still lying in bed but instead the bed is empty. My heartbeat quickens and my feet carry me down the steps at lightning speed until I hear the sound of humming coming from the kitchen. I slow down and push open the door finding my girlfriend making what appears to be pancakes while dancing around in my t-shirt to the music playing in her head. I smile as I lean against the open doorway, content with watching her until she notices my presence. When she spins around her stunning blue eyes lock on mine and she gasps making me chuckle.

"You scared me" she exclaims making my smile grow wider as I take a few steps towards her.

"I'm sorry gorgeous" I apologize as I lean my elbows against the counter. "Whatcha making?" I ask curiously.

"Pancakes" she replies with a soft smile. "I thought we should eat something before getting out on the road" she explains.

"Always thinking" I praise as I move around the counter to join her, grabbing her waist and encircling her in my arms. I lean forward to press a quick kiss to her lips before pulling back and gazing into her eyes intently. "How are you?" I ask worriedly.

"Happy" she replies as she wraps her arms around my neck. "My heart feels like it might explode from happiness" she admits as a giggle falls from her lips. "Last night was amazing. This entire trip has been incredible. You are the best boyfriend ever" she gushes making me roll my eyes playfully.

"That's surely too much praise" I argue but she shakes her head.

"It's not" she assures me defiantly. "But what about you? Was your birthday weekend everything you thought it would be?" she asks hopefully taking her bottom lip between her teeth anxiously.

I smile, reaching out to caress her cheek. "My birthday weekend was better than I could've imagined" I assure her.

"Even though our first time didn't include candles and roses?" she teases making me chuckle as I nod in agreement. "Good" she smiles, "because it was special to me" she says softly.

"Me too" I reply making her eyebrows furrow in confusion. I smile as I lean in for a soft kiss before pulling back and resting my forehead against hers. "Because I know you'll be my last" I whisper causing her eyes to widen as I lean back in to kiss her.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

My heart flutters at his words and when his lips land on mine I can't help but deepen the kiss, parting his lips as he pulls me closer. Our lips move together in a passionate kiss that causes shivers to run down my spine and my desire for him takes over. His hands drop to my thighs, hoisting me up and carrying me over to the table. He places me down gently without breaking our kiss, my legs parting for him to stand between. I reach for his towel, about to loosen it when an abrupt knock on the door breaks us out of our heated moment. Josh pulls away from me and turns around. "Shit" he mutters.

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