18. Secrets and Distractions

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Maya's POV

"Are you coming over tonight?" Josh asks over the phone while I sit on my bed staring at my math homework, hoping to somehow make sense of it.

"Um" I reply as numbers and letters swirl in front of me. "I'll come over tonight to hang out but I need you to help me tomorrow. I'm almost positive this worksheet isn't in English."

"You could stay the night" he suggests playfully.

"Only if you promise to come to my funeral" I reply making him laugh.

"Not that I was being serious because I don't need your dad to hate me but I would eventually like to spend the night with you and luckily your brunette bestie lives with me."

"Yea but I don't think my brunette bestie is gonna cover for me" I reply. "She may not hate you but she's not exactly encouraging me to spend nights in bed with you."

"This is true" he laughs lightly. "But I do really wanna hang out tonight. Come over and then I'll drive you home and you can come back in the morning for studying."

"Or you could come over here tomorrow morning."

"You're inviting me into the shark tank?"

"Mhm" I smile. "Come on Josh. You can't avoid my place forever if you're serious about me."

"I'm as serious as serious can be Maya. I'll see you in a little bit gorgeous."

"Kay" I smile as I hang up and gather my stuff. I head downstairs and my dad looks at me confused.

"Where are you running off to?"

"My boyfriend's place. I'll be home by ten" I assure him. "Oh and he's coming over tomorrow to help me with my homework."

"Is that code for something?" my dad asks as I slip on my shoes.

"Yea it's code for your daughter thinks math is a foreign language and my boyfriend is a mathematical genius" I laugh.

"So he's really coming to help you with homework?"

"I mean there'll be a little kissing but yea really" I laugh. "Now can I go?"

"Have fun. But I better not catch you in the front seat of his car again in this driveway."

"Noted. See you later dad" I smile as I rush out the door.

~ 📚 ~

Since I've been friends with Riley since I was seven years old I didn't knock. It's not something I've ever done and it's probably something I'll never do. Of course Riley usually knew I was coming.

"Oh my gosh" Riley gasps as I pull open the door. "I didn't know you were coming over" she laughs lightly as I close the door behind me.

"Sorry" I apologize. "Josh uh" I trail off as she nods.

"You coming over to see him is gonna take a little getting used to" she admits as she leans her back against the counter. "I'm used to us just gossiping about him."

"He's not that bad."

"I know" she smiles. "And he seems to make you happy" she adds happily. "And what more could I want for my Peaches?"

"Thanks Riles" I smile as Josh comes down the stairs.

"I thought I heard you come in. Riles can I have my girlfriend please?"

"It's adorable that you know you need my permission" Riley smiles up at her uncle. "But if you must" she motions to me.

"Thanks niece. You look cute" he compliments as he looks at my yoga pants and sweatshirt combo.

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