4. Angry or Sympathetic

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Josh's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing incessantly on my nightstand making me moan in annoyance as I reach over to grab it.

MIKE: Party tomorrow night. You in?

It was already Thursday, I had survived tutoring Maya for two days, if you could call what I was doing tutoring. All I did was sit next to her, scratch that, across from her, while she worked on homework and texted Riley. I wanted to put my foot down but I had made a little progress and I didn't want to ruin it.

JOSH: Of course

I put my phone back down and head to my bathroom to take a shower and once I'm out I return to my phone, noticing a text from Bridget.

BRIDGE: Sleepyhead call me back

I laugh to myself as I dial her number while I pull on a pair of boxers and jeans. "Finally. How is tutoring going? I want details" she exclaims as soon as our phones connect.

"Well our tutoring sessions hang on a deal I made with her to not fuck around" I reply earning silence for longer than I liked.

"So you won't be tutoring her very long" she replies making me sigh.

"Thanks for the positivity."

"Josh honey I love you but can you remember the number of girls you've let get on their knees for you?" she asks making me roll my eyes.

"I can actually. Can you remember how many of them I actually slept with?" I reply making her sigh.

"Alright alright but seriously Josh. If you want a chance with her you gotta stop."

"No shit" I reply annoyed as Riley sticks her head into my room.

"We need to leave" she says annoyed.

"Yea yea, I'll be there in a sec" I say as I pull on a shirt.

"Have a good day Josh. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow Bridge" I smile as I hang up my phone, grab my keys, and head out the door.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

"Thank god tomorrow is Friday" I sigh as I slam my locker shut with my math homework in hand.

"What if Josh doesn't screw around tomorrow night. You're gonna be stuck with him" Riley points out making me laugh.

"Oh honey please that boy is incapable of not hooking up at a party" I reply as I spot him walking into the library. "Come next week Monday I will be free of Josh" I assure her as the bell rings, signaling that I have to get to class. I make my way to the library but as I walk through the door I run into someone.

"My bad" the boy says politely as he picks up my books making a smile pull at my lips. He had jet black hair and piercing blue eyes that made my legs wobbly at the sight. After Charlie a distraction like this handsome stranger was just what I needed.

"It's okay" I reply as I take my books from him. "I wasn't looking where I was walking. I'm Maya" I smile as I hold out my hand, balancing my books on my hip.

"Ben" he smiles as he takes my hand. "Perhaps we'll run into one another again" he laughs.

"Maybe" I reply as he walks out of the library.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

I turn around at the sound of Maya's voice and I see her talking to Ben. My blood boils at the mere sight of him next to her. After what he did.

Maya makes her way over to me finally and smiles as she sits down. "Hello" she says politely making me scoff.

"You need to stay the fuck away from him" I say bluntly making her eyes widen as she looks at me confused.

"I'm sorry you're my tutor and my father?" she asks angrily making me sigh.

"Maya trust me. You don't need to be around him."

"Josh how about you stay the hell out of my business" she says snippily as she pulls out her books, putting her headphones in and tuning me out. She may be mad at me but I wasn't being an ass. I didn't want her to get hurt.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

"What the hell is his problem" I yell as I pace around Riley's room that night. "I flirt with a cute boy and he gets all crazy, ordering that I stay away from him. I don't know who he thinks he is."

"Who was the guy?" Riley asks intrigued making me laugh lightly as I pull up his Instagram. Luckily it wasn't private so I was able to do a little cyber stalking. I throw her the phone and watch her face light up as she scrolls through his feed. "He's hot" she points out as we hear a knock on the door.

"I'm going to McDonald's. Want anything?" Josh asks as he peeks his head in.

"For you to leave" Riley replies snippily making Josh roll his eyes.

"I was just trying to be nice" he says under his breath as he leaves the room making me look at Riley confused.

"Honey he may be an ass most of the time but he was trying to be nice" I say defensively.

"No he wasn't. He knows you're over" she shrugs causing me to sigh as I find myself heading out the door and down to the living room. "Is Riley always this mean to you?" I ask as I lean against the wall at the top of the stairs, looking down at Josh.

"It's not a big deal" he replies nonchalantly.

"I mean it kinda is" I say honestly as I walk down the small staircase. "You can be an ass but I can tell you were just trying to be nice" I smile as I pour myself a glass of water.

"I try with Riley but I fucked up when I blew up shit with you. I don't blame her or you" he says as he grabs his keys. "I'll see you later" he adds as he walks out the door leaving me confused as to why I suddenly feel bad for Josh. 

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