41. Coffee Dates and Chicken Nuggets

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Maya's POV

"Eight days" my dad exclaims when I walk down the stairs on Monday morning. I laugh as I take a seat beside him in front of the plate my mom had already placed on the table for me.

"Are you really counting down the days until my birthday?" I laugh.

"Absolutely" he replies making me chuckle as I take a bite of my breakfast.

"You're just as bad as Josh" I mumble, catching my dad's attention.

"What are you and Josh doing for your birthday?" he asks curiously but I only shrug.

"I have no idea. He won't tell me. He says it's a surprise" I reply as I scarf down the rest of my breakfast. "I gotta go. I don't wanna be late to pick up Josh. I'll see you guys tonight" I smile as I pull on my jacket and grab my keys, heading out the door.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"Where the hell is she?" I ask as I pace in front of the door of the loft complex awaiting my girlfriend's appearance. It was already almost 7:40 and she still wasn't here. I'm about to call her when I hear the honk of her horn. "Thank god" I mutter as I throw open the door and run down the steps, slipping on a patch of ice I don't see in my rush. Maya's eyes widen and she throws open her door and sprints over to me.

"Baby are you okay?" she asks, kneeling in front of me.

"Why are you so late?" I ask making her chuckle as she smiles down at me.

"I was getting coffee and it took forever. I was gonna text you but I didn't want you to yell at me for texting and driving. I'm sorry. Were you worried?"

"Just a little" I lie making her chuckle as she helps me up. I brush off my jeans and stare down into her sparkling blue eyes. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Of course I'm okay" she smiles. "Now come on, we're gonna be late" she adds as she motions for me to follow her to the car. We climb in and head off towards campus. "How's your ass?" she asks making me laugh at her blunt question.

"Sore" I reply. She stifles a laugh, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth. "Don't laugh."

"I'm not" she says, a laugh escaping her lips as she does.

"It's not funny" I insist, trying to hold in my own laughter.

"Oh no not at all" she replies sarcastically as we pull up to school. "Do you need help getting out of the car?"

"Fuck you" I reply playfully as she laughs and climbs out of the car.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

Studying at home was a million times better than studying at school. There was no motivation at school, just a clock that never moved. "Focus" Josh mutters, squeezing my hand while he works on his own homework.

"I'm trying" I groan as I twiddle my pencil between my fingers while I stare down at my science worksheet. I reread the problem for the tenth time and moan, throwing my pencil onto the table. "I give up."

"Yea that's the spirit" Josh whispers under his breath.


"Nothing. Maya just focus" he begs, his blue eyes staring pleadingly back into mine. I groan and turn my attention back to my homework. The words seem to swim in front of my eyes and I realize I've started crying. I sniffle and catch Josh's attention. "Are you crying? Did I make you cry?" he whispers. "Shit. Maya baby I'm sorry" he says softly, pulling me into his arms.

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