52. Dances and Hotel Rooms

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Maya's POV

I wake up the morning of prom more excited about the dance than I've been every day before. After all my worrying I was finally accepting that today had the potential to be perfect and not life shattering. Things in my life were finally working out and I needed to start accepting that. "Maya" my mom knocks incessantly on my door. "Baby girl you need to get up we have-." I pull open the door to my bedroom cutting her off abruptly.

"Morning mom" I smile softly as I lean against the doorframe.

"We're gonna be late" she breathes out. I gnaw my lip as I avert my eyes to my feet, staring down at the black polish on my toes.

"Did you already pay for the appointments?" I ask softly. I lift my gaze to lock with hers and find a confused look on her face.

"Um" she stutters. "No I didn't" she shakes her head. "Why?" she questions. I shrug, averting my eyes once again as a moment of silence passes between us. "Baby girl what's going on? You're still going right? You and Josh didn't have a fight did you?" she asks rapidly. I lift my head abruptly and shake my head.

"What? No" I insist. "Josh and I are fine and we're still going" I assure her, "but" I pause, taking my bottom lip between my teeth again. "I didn't know how to tell you yesterday" I sigh, "but I kinda don't wanna go get my hair and makeup done. I'm fine with going with my natural face and maybe curled hair" I shrug. "Is that okay?" I ask softly. Her smile returns and with one look into her eyes I know she understands.

"Of course that's okay baby girl" she nods. "I only made all those appointments and everything because this is your first big dance and I wanted it to be special. But if you don't want to go then of course you don't have to. Want me to help you with your hair?" she asks, a tinge of excitement in her voice. There was no way I could say no to her.

"Let me take a shower and then I'll come and get you." She nods in agreement before turning on her heels and leaving my room. I smile as I push my door closed and lean against it.

Today was going to be perfect.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"What time is Maya coming?" Riley asks as she barges into my room. I turn around abruptly to face her.

"Riles" I exclaim. "Did you not see that the door was shut?" I ask as I tug my towel tighter around my waist. She laughs, rolling her eyes.

"You're my uncle. It's not like I'm interested in anything under your towel. Now Maya? Is she gonna be here soon because Lucas wants to go out tonight but I have to see her before I leave" she explains. I sigh, shrugging my shoulders.

"I have no idea when she'll be here. She didn't really give me a timestamp. It'll be before the dance" I add unhelpfully.

"You are no help whatsoever" she sighs, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"Hey here's an idea. Why don't you call her or text her. You both talk even more than her and I do, which is saying a lot" I add.

"You think I haven't already done that? She isn't answering. Do you know why that may be?" she asks. I shrug.

"Hell if I know. I know she's my girlfriend but I don't know her every whereabout. Maybe she's in the-." The sound of Riley's phone ringing interrupts me and a smile pulls at her lips.

"That's her. See ya later Uncle Josh" she calls over her shoulder. I roll my eyes as I close the door behind her and return to the task at hand.

Getting ready for prom.

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