35. Twists and Turns

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Maya's POV

When my eyes flutter open I'm not in the car anymore. Bright lights are shining from above me causing me to blink quickly, trying to adjust to the light in the room. "You're awake" a woman walking into the room smiles. "How you feeling?" she asks politely. I see her walk over to a computer and plug some information into the computer.

"Okay I guess" I reply dazedly. "Where's my boyfriend? He was in the car with me" I add, looking around quickly. I was in a hospital.

Suddenly it all comes rushing back to me, the dance, the quiet drive, the accident. I begin to panic. "Where's Josh?" I exclaim as the nurse comes over to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"He's fine. He's in the waiting room with your family. He won't be able to come see you until you're moved to a regular room."

"No" I argue, "I want to see him."

"I'm going to let the doctor know you're awake. Get some rest" she smiles, leaving the room and leaving me extremely frustrated.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"She's awake" the doctor informs us. "She suffered a few broken ribs and a concussion from the crash but she should be back to her normal self in a few weeks" he explains.

"Where is she?" I ask quickly.

"ICU" he replies immediately. "They're preparing a regular room for her and she'll be moved in about an hour" he adds as her parents nod and Riley comes over to me, squeezing my hand.

"Can we see her?" Shawn asks, a hopeful look on his face.

"One at a time" he informs us, "but she's asking for you" he adds looking at me. "So if you'd like to see her first" he trails off, "as the husband you have the right." Shawn and Katy shoot me a death glare and Riley giggles beside me.

"He's n-."

"I wanna see her" I butt in, selfishly. I knew it was wrong and I knew Shawn and Katy were going to be pissed but I had to make sure she was okay. I had to see it with my own two eyes.

"Okay" the doctor smiles. I give Riley a kiss on the cheek and follow the doctor to Maya's room. "Five minutes" he says. I nod and he walks away leaving me to head into Maya's room. I open the door and see her gnawing her bottom lip, fumbling with the remote, trying to find something to keep her mind occupied. I can't help the few tears that fall in relief of seeing her.

She was okay.

"Maya" I say softly. Her head whips around and tears spill from her eyes as she sees me.

"Oh my god" she exclaims, covering her mouth with her hand as she begins to sob. I rush over to her and sit beside her on the bed, reaching forward and throwing my arms around her.

"You're okay" I breathe out, smoothing out her hair as I cry. "God Maya I thought I lost you" I add honestly, holding her tightly.

"I didn't know where you were when I woke up" she says as I pull back. "They told me I couldn't see you yet, how did you get in here?" she asks confused.

I chuckle, taking her hand in mine. "They almost didn't let me on the ambulance with you because we aren't you know married" I explain, "but the medic took pity on me and lied and told the hospital I was your husband" I chuckle making a soft smile pull at her lips.

"So we're married."

"As far as anyone here knows" I reply with a laugh.

"My parents are probably pissed."

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