12. Dating and Riley

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Josh's POV

I know something happened with Riley and Maya last night because my niece wouldn't stop staring daggers at me at the breakfast table this morning and Maya texted me about having a long night. I don't know what to expect as I walk into the library, finding Maya tapping her nails against the table impatiently.

"Morning" I smile as I sit across from her. It's our usual arrangement and I figure today is not the day to switch things up.

"Hi" she says softly as she takes out her textbook and her notebook. "I'm struggling with this concept we went over in class today. Do you think you could help me and then we can talk" she adds causing me to nod my head.

"Anything you want" I reply causing a smile to pull at her lips as I look down at the book. It's a basic ratio concept that takes us about twenty minutes to go over. Once I know she's got it down and her homework is complete she puts her stuff away and looks up at me intently.

"Apparently I can get really defensive when people think a certain way about you" she admits shyly causing me to arch an eyebrow at her in surprise.

"What did you say to her?" I ask since I already know this about Riley.

"She wanted me to guess which slut you hooked up with yesterday when you skipped. I told her I didn't care and that she needed to lay off."

"There's more to this I assume" I reply causing her to sigh as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"I told her I liked spending time with you. She thinks I've been brainwashed" she finishes simply causing me to look at her a tad shocked. Brainwashed. I'm happy to hear that she likes being with me though.

"Maybe you have been" I reply as I look down at the table. "You gotta admit. We make no sense Maya."

"Two years, fourty-six weeks. Eight random girls. One ex-girlfriend. One crazy ex-boyfriend" she says bluntly, showing our relationship and its past in numbers. "I agree we make no damn sense but somehow despite all these numbers I still like you" she adds simply.

"I like you too" I reply honestly as I stare at her in awe. "But this is only gonna get a whole lot more complicated."

"I can do complicated as long as you're honest with me."

Honesty. It's something I'm more than willing to give her.

"I can do honesty" I smile as I reach for her hand across the table. "But what does this make us?"

"A complicated mess" she replies with a laugh as the bell rings.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

History sucks with Riley mad at me. Especially since Riley is the leader of the group. If Riley is upset with me then so is Lucas and if Lucas is mad then so is Farkle, and so on and so forth. I feel like I'm on an island in a room full of my family and I hate it. Of course the constant buzzing in my pocket cools the sting a bit. When Cory turns to the board I pull out my phone and find three texts from Josh. My boyfriend? I mean I think that's what our agreement makes him.

JOSH: How's history?

JOSH: Did my brother bore you to death?

JOSH: Shit. I get you and you die of boredom. This sucks. I'll miss you.

I laugh to myself as I read over the texts. He could be such a dork sometimes.

MAYA: Surprise! History is fine...except Riley has turned everyone against me

JOSH: All she knows if that you like spending time with me. I'm scared of what she'll do if she finds out I kissed you. Or that we're secretly doing what exactly? I'm a little foggy on the details.

MAYA: Boyfriend? Girlfriend?

JOSH: I like the sound of that 😊

MAYA: Me too 😊

"Maya do you need me to take your phone?" Cory asks, pulling me out of my conversation with my boyfriend.

"Hm? No Mr. Matthews" I assure him as I put my phone back in my pocket. "Won't happen again" I add as I grab my pencil and go back to taking notes.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"You look happy" Bridget smiles as her and I sit in my room after school. She decided to stop over to see how things were going before she left on her date.

"I'm happy adjacent" I reply honestly as I rub my neck. "I have Maya but it's ruining her relationship with Riley."

"You can't push Maya away because you want things to be okay with her and Riley. You'll hurt her again. Is that what you want?" Bridget asks as I shake my head.

"I never want to hurt her again."

"Then keep your damn mouth shut" she replies causing me to sigh as her phone buzzes. "It's Brad. I gotta go. But don't ruin this Josh" she insists as she kisses my cheek. "Love you."

"You too" I smile as she dashes out of my bedroom when my own phone buzzes.

"Gorgeous what's up?" I ask happily as I answer the phone.

"I was thinking" she trails off making me chuckle as I sit back on my bed, happy to be back in my bubble with my girlfriend.

"That's dangerous" I tease making her laugh across the line, causing a smile to pull at my lips. Her laugh was adorable.

"Shut up" she replies and I can practically hear the smile on her face through the phone. "Zay reluctantly texted me that everyone is hanging out over at your place on Saturday. A party so to speak. You need to be home so that I can convince you to play games with us."

"You want to try and sneak me into your group" I reply with an intrigued voice.

"I'm not trying to sneak you anywhere. But the more time they spend with the real Joshua Matthews, the easier it's gonna be for me to tell them that I'm dating the real Joshua Matthews."

"Alright fine" I give with a smile. "But I'm taking you to a party of my own on Friday night."

"Deal" she replies. "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow gorgeous."

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