10. Trees and Bad Influences

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Maya's POV

"Why aren't you coming over tonight? I can help you with algebra" Riley offers as we talk on the phone on Saturday evening. Usually I went to her place on Saturday nights to study with my friends and hang out but I had other plans tonight. Plans I wouldn't dare tell her about. I close my eyes to compose myself as I stand in front of my mirror in my bathroom, getting ready for the party Josh was taking me to tonight.

"I'm busy Riles. Family stuff" I add nonchalantly as I curl my eyelashes. "You'll survive one study session without me" I laugh as I hear a muffled voice from her side of the line.

"Hold on Peaches" Riley says to me as I hear her open her door. "What do you want Josh?" she asks annoyed causing my breath to hitch in my throat. After he and I made out last night I snuck back into Riley's room and woke her up, pretending that I too, had fallen asleep though I had never felt more awake. She bought it but the guilt was eating me alive. "Whatever" she says in annoyance before I hear her door slam shut. "Sorry bout that. He's going out. Probably with that Bridget girl."

"Probably" I reply, hoping my voice isn't as shaky as I think it is. I wonder if she thinks Josh and Bridget are dating or more like she probably thinks they're hooking up. "Look Riles, I really gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay" she replies happily. "Love you."

"You too" I say quickly as I hang up the phone. This was gonna be a long night.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"You look tense" I observe worriedly as I look over at Maya in the passenger seat of my car. She looked gorgeous tonight, dressed in a simple black wrap dress and a pair of red pumps, her hair falling in curly waves around her shoulders. Yet she looked wrecked with guilt.

"Just a little" she replies as she looks up at me. "This has just been a very confusing few weeks" she adds with a sigh.

"I know" I smile lightly as I reach over and take one of her hands in mine. "If you need to end this, just tell me."

"Okay" she says simply as she shoots me a soft smile while we pull up to the house holding the party tonight. I go around and help her out of the car, offering my hand and she graciously accepts it, following my lead into the party. I see guys looking her up and down and I resist the urge to punch them. She wasn't technically mine, I couldn't let jealousy take over.

"Want a drink?" I ask as we reach the foyer of the house. To the left is a living room that's been transformed into the dance floor, to our right is a staircase and off the side is the kitchen.

"Yes please" she replies as she lets out a breath. I lead her to the kitchen and get us both a cup of beer, letting my arm wrap around her waist as I hand her the cup.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I whisper in her ear causing a smile to pull at her lips.

"Sure" she replies happily as she brings the cup to her lips, looking at me curiously.

"Other than Bridget, you're the first girl I've brought to a party" I confess causing her to smile wider as she turns to face me.

"Good" she smirks before reaching up and placing a kiss on my lips. I respond immediately, wrapping my arms around her waist as I pull her closer, allowing her to dominate the kiss this time. Unfortunately we're quickly interrupted.

"New record, you got a girl in less time than it took for me to find you" Mike laughs as I look over at Maya who is gnawing at her lower lip with a blush apparent on her cheeks.

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