Peter Pan-Once Upon A Time

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It had been a few months since the spell was lifted by Emma Swan. She set our town free from the Evil Queens curse. Everybody began remembering who they used to be. Snow White, The Mad Hatter, even the blue fairy remembered who they were. everybody remembered the lives in the enchanted forest, everybody, except me.I didn't remember anything. Well, I remembered a few bits, a forest, a camp fire, music played on a set of pan pipes. Mostly though I just remembered a boy. My age, maybe older, he was tall and skinny. He always had a cocky look on his face, a smirk on his lips, one of his eye brows raised. I remembered his face but I couldn't remember his name, and I didn't know why.

It's wasn't all bad, not remembering. My mum, well adoptive mum that is, Mary Margret (Well snow white) had been so supportive, even with all the catching up with her real daughter, Emma. She was an amazing mom and Emma was an amazing Sister. I didn't NEED to know who I was in the past, I just wanted to know.

A few days ago, Henry, Emma's boy, was taken and my mom, David, Emma and Regina who I nicknamed 'EQ', had decided they were going to find him and bring him home, with help of a pirate. I however was forced to go. I mean sure, don't get me wrong, I love Henry, even before the curse was lifted, I loved him like a brother. I was his babysitter and tutor. He means a lot to me, but ermm, I did't think, I'd be much help in the rescue mission like this. I'm not really good with stuff like being a hero. My mum and sister however  thought other wise, so here I stand in the middle of a forest, lost in Neverland.

I had gotten lost because I thought I heard crying so I went to look, so I went to look and when I turned back to find the group they were gone. I stumbled around the forest looking for them.

I tripped and stumbled around. I don't really know why, but something felt familier. I felt as through I had been here before. Something about the trees, the sounds the feel of the place felt as though I had been there before. For a moment, I forgot about finding my mom and sister. I just walked, trying to figure out why I knew this place, why it felt so familiar. I pushed my way through bushes and branches trying to find my family when pushed threw a bunch of think over grown branches and all of a sudden I couldn't feel the ground under my feet anymore, I looked down and I could see the ground, traveling towards me at a quick pace. I was falling.

I fell, fast and I knew it was over, I held my arms out, over my face, I'm not sure why, I guess I thought, if I protected my face from damage my mom would know it's me. If see ever found me that is. Holding my arms over my face, I closed my eyes, and braced my self for the impact with the ground but it never came. 

My eyes opened slightly and I moved my arms, looking at the ground, it was there, right in front of me, my head floating just above it. I looked around confused. I was floating, I laughed a little, relieved I wasn't dead. I was alive. I looked up, over to the cliff I had fallen down and some how I willed myself  to slowly raise up towards the cliff. "I...I'm flying." I whispered to myself. "I...I'm flying." I shouted laughing. I started to fly up faster and faster the smiling never leaving my face. I flew a little bit further on to the cliff so I didn't fall again. I hovered a little over the ground before I felt my feet drop to the ground. Then it all came flooding back. I remembered Everything.

I remember Neverland, I remember the lost boys, I remember who I was but most importantly, I remember Peter Pan.

I looked around and laughed at myself, I could still hear the crying, and that really bothered me, I remembered who I am, I remembered that if I could here the crying, it meant I was lost, but why was I lost, I knew exactly where I was.

Ignoring the feeling of confusion I figured it was because I need to find my mum. I willed myself to lift off into the air and flew over the trees trying to find my family when I spotted something familiar. 

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