Spencer Reid-Criminal Minds/Sherlock crossover

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"Guys, this is Dr Y/F/N Holmes, she's been recruited from London, So she only got here a couple days ago." Agent Hotchner introduced, pointing towards me. I looked over everybody, taking in everything I could as quickly as I could, reading what I needed to know. 

"Damn, London? Whoa, you must be good if they pulled you from London." The dark haired man stated. I looked over at him and nodded I knew this man to be David Rossi as I had read though the files over the weekend that Hotch had given to me.

"I'm good at my job yes, not as good as my brother, but a hell of a lot better that those brainless idiots over at Scotland Yard." I answered simply.

"So, what did you do? Before moving here?" Jennifer Jareau asked. I felt every bodies eyes on me but I didn't care. 

"My brother and I were consulting detectives. Mind, my brother still is along with Dr John Watson, I however became more interested in serial killers and the psychology of it all." I replied

"What's a consulting Detective? I've never heard of one before" Rossi asked. 

"Not many people have, it's not exactly a role in Scotland Yard, it's more of a honorary roll. To put it simply, if Scotland Yard couldn't solve a case, which was more often than you'd think, they would consult with my bother and I." I explained.

"I doubt Scotland Yard needs to Consult with amateurs" Derek Morgan spoke up. 

I turned and nodded over to Agent Hotchner who smiled back and walked out of the room, then reentered a few moments later with a short man following close behind. The rest of the team watched confused as Hotch came and stood by me. "Show them." Hotch said simply pointing to the new person in the room. I smiled and looked over at the man, looking over his clothes, his hair and his body, reading everything I could. Then I began.

"OK, let's see, I'd say early 30's, Married, a child, recently by the looks of things congratulations by the way. Your marriage is on the rocks judging by the way you're playing with your ring, I suppose it has a little to do with the baby. you've been away recently, somewhere hot, a lot of sun. You've been here a while, you enjoy the job so you work hard, sometimes a little to hard, another reason you marriage is rocky.

"What else, you have two dogs, no higher than the knee. Judging by the way you hold your self you have back trouble, more than likely stress. In regards to you marriage I suggest taking your wife out on a romantic night out, show her some attention and respect man she has just given you a child for gods sake, now go back to work." I waved him off turning back towards the team who just looked at me in disbelief.

"How could you possibly know all that." Rossi asked

"I looked at him, paying attention to each tiny detail that most people miss."

"But how did you know about the baby?" Penelope Garcia asked, looking shocked and slightly uneasy.

"Dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep, your hair a mess and there is a slight stain in his tie, recently removed but not well enough possibly baby vomit."

"OK what about his dogs?" Agent Jareau asked

"Dog hair on the lower part of his legs, too little for a big dog but too much for just one small dog, the hairs never reach above his knee so then that means he has two small dogs. So agent Morgan, I do believe you were right." I replied, looking over at Morgan.

"Right about what?" He asked

"The police don't and never have consulted with amateurs." I smiled. "What I just did is called 'deduction', my brothers taught me how to do, which as you can see, has helped me out a lot in the past. Basically just paying really close attention to people. You're profilers, taught to read people's behavior, I was taught not only read their behavior but how they stand, walk, talk, dress and fidget with things, the smallest detail usually matters more than you'd think. If you look close enough you can tell a lot about each person you encounter." 

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