Spencer Reid-Criminal Minds/Castle Crossover

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You are Richard Castle's Daughter and Alexis is your twin sister. While Alexis stayed in New York to live with your dad you moved away and joined the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. You had just had a call from Alexis telling you, your dad had decided to pay you a surprise visit for yours and Lexi's birthday.

I sat on my couch, snuggled under my blanket watching TV when my phone started to ring. I picked it up and looked at the screen seeing it was my twin sister Alexis so I answered it quickly,

"Lex, hey, Happy Birthday!!!" I shouted down the phone, laughing a little when I heard her squeak in surprise.

"Hey Y/N, Happy birthday!!!" She said laughing before she became serious. "So look I have news, Dad has dragged me to one Quantico, Virginia." She said. I some how choked on air making me have a coughing fit.

"HE'S WHAT...WHERE IS HE NOW?" I asked shocked.

My dad is best selling author Richard Castle, when I was 18 I moved to Quantico to go to uni while my twin sister Alexis stayed closer to home. I would see my dad every now and then but he never visited to often. After I graduate College I joined the BAU over at the FBI and I started traveling so the visits to New York became less frequent until I was lucky if I saw my dad once or twice a year. Lexi how ever would visit every month, she had a key so if I was on a case she would just let herself in and stay until I got home or until she had to leave. Usually it was just to get away from the madhouse that is New York.

"We're at the airport. He had to go to the bathroom. I figured I should give you a heads up, let you clean up and warn that boyfriend of yours. You know how he gets especially when he finds out about Spencer." She replied.

This is going to be a disaster.

"He's gonna kill me isn't he?" I asked as I stood to my feet beginning to pace around my living room. I have been with my boyfriend Spencer for about two years now and I hadn't told my dad yet, I figured it would be better to tell him face to face but I chickened out every time I had the chance.

"Trick you're 24 years old it's not like he can ground you for having a boyfriend." She laughed making me calm down calling my by my nickname he had called me since I was a kid. "Oh here he comes, I gotta go see you in about an hour. Bye Trick." She said before hanging up. "Bye Lex." I said into the phone. I hung up the phone and finished the glass of water I had before I quickly did everything I could to get the house clean before dad and Lex got here. 'That should do it' I thought to my self. I sat down and turned on the TV just as the door bell rang.

Still dressed in my PJ's I ran to the door, sliding to a stop before pulling a door open and as expected my dad and twin sister stood there arms full of gifts. " DAD, Lex, What are you guys doing here?" I asked in mock surprise.

"Can it princess, Alexis told me she told you I was here." He said look the slightest bit upset.

"Yeah well she had to make sure I was home, I could have been on a case." I laughed as I stepped aside.

"Oh yeah, the big job at the FBI, how is it?" He asked placing the gifts on my coffee table before taking his coat off.

"It's great. I have an amazing team, I love them all." I said as I took a seat next to my dad on my couch. I watched as Lex sent a slight smirk my way before jumping up.

"Come on lets open presents." She shouted grabbing two gift bags. "These are from grams. She said she wanted to come but thought we all need some time together." She said as we opened the gifts. I put my hand in my bag and pulled out a bracelet with a diamond studded letter of my name. Lex seemed to have the same only with her initial. The next gift was from Lex with was a photo frame filled with photos of her and I growing up. "Lex I love it!" I said as I hugged her tight.

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