FP Jones 3 (Part 2)

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"Last box!" I called out to FP as I picked it up and walked out to take one last look around my now compactly empty apartment. I used my one hand to turn the lights of and closed the door, locking it behind me. 

"You got it?" FP asked as I walked outside and over to the pick up FP had drive down here to pickup my things. 

"Yeah...wheres Jug?" I asked as I looked around only a spotted him stood at a hot dog cart, buying food. I laughed as shook my head as I placed the box in the truck and sighed. 

"You know, I can;t wait to go home but I'm really gonna miss the city life." I told him as I lent my back against the truck, waiting for Jug to come over. 

"Yeah, I can see why, It's so busy and everything's a mile a minute." FP noted as he stood next to me gabbing hold of my hand and entwining our fingers together.

"That's it, it's so busy and fast, it's gonna be nice to be able to walk down the street and not be thrown around." I joked resting my head. FP chuckled as he kissed the top of my head. Today was exactly two weeks since my graduation. Two weeks since FP proposed. That night we all went to dinner to celebrate and the next morning Alice, Betty, Polly and Jughead went home and FP, to my surprise, told me he would be staying with me until I could move home. I had to stick around for two weeks, to pack, say goodbye to my friends and wait out my lease and today was my last day in New York. I was finally going home and this time, I was staying. My residency started in October and since it was July, I had three month to get settled at home, accumulate myself to the small town life of Riverdale and spend time with my family, including the Serpents.

"I got you guys something to eat before we hit the road." Jughead said as he handed me and FP a hot dog each. Jughead arrived last night, jumping on the bus down here, because I didn't want to make that drive home myself so Jug is going to take FP's truck while FP rides with me. 

"Thanks Juggie." I smiled taking it. I took a bite and moan in pleasure. "Oh yeah I'm am going to miss this." I spoke, my mouth full, making the boys laugh. 

"My fiance everybody, ever the lady." FP joked his mouth was also full. which made me grin and I swallowed my food.

"She's was ment to be a Jones." Jughead stated as he climbed up on the front of the Truck. FP grabbed my food, handed it to Jug then lifted my up so I was sat on the hood of my car. He handed me my food back and sat next to me. 

That's how we stayed for a bit, enjoying the food, which Jughead insisted we eat a bit more of and the soda he brought back the second trip back. 

"OK, no more food, I'm full and I'm ready to hit the road. I spoke as I jumped of the car and adjusted my black skinny jeans and the red flannel I had stole from FP and wrapped around my waist. I picked up my Serpent jacket that I had removed while eating and flung it on over my black bra-let. I also had on a pair of black biker boots and a red beanie that matched the colour of my lipstick. 

It felt to be dressed like me again, back in what I called my Serpent Style, something I never wore around New York because this is a place were people judge you before they know you and people judged me as an ex criminal, drug dealer. So I dressed a little more, conservative and acted like the rest of the stuck up kids who were just half-assing their way through the course, just to please mummy and daddy.

"Well, hello Dr Hot ass!" I heard a voice call and I smiled as I saw Sherri walking down the street towards us. 

"Sherri Baby!" I laughed as I walked over and hugged her. 

"Look at you, you look...hot. Damn baby." Sherri noted as she stepped back to get a better look at me. 

"Hey lady, eyes off of my woman!" FP called making Sherri and I laugh as he walked over and hugged Sherri. While FP was staying with me, he and Sherri grew closer and I know what you're all thinking, 'Y/N, why the hell would you let you fiance get close to another girl?' and usually I wouldn't, I'm easily jealous and extremely protective of my man, you would to if FP was your man but Sherri is gay, like really gay, she's never been with a man and doesn't plan on it, so I was OK with there friendship, honestly it was like a bromance at this point.

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