Ross Lynch-R5

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I started noticing her behaviour a few weeks ago. It started small like not eating the pizza we usually ordered when we watched Hockey or Soccer, something we did every week no excuse. Then she stopped singing along to the radio when we were in the car like she usually did especially when Fall Out Boy or R5 came on the radio. The car rides were now quite and filled with this, tension and sadness in the air. And Recently the most important and biggest change in behaviour is, she doesn't dance anymore. She and Rydel used to book a dance studio once a week when we were home and they used to dance and have fun, they even choreographed a couple of routines for the local dance studio, but it had been months since she last danced with my sister,even her dancing around the house has stopped and I could see something was wrong but when ever I asked her about it, she would just shrug and tell me there was nothing wrong, that she was just feeling a little unwell and she would be fine again soon. But she never was.

Currently Y/N was in the kitchen, cooking dinner and I was sat, at the counter, watching, a look of annoyance and sadness etched across my face, ass he quietly watched the water in the pan bubble and dance around the pasta. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was wrong but I knew there was no point in asking because she would just tell me she was fine and I would know she was lying.

"Are you sure you only want pasta back for dinner, I don't mind making something else?" She asked turning to look at me. I nodded and smiled, jumping from my seat and walking over to stand by her,wrapping my arms around her smaller frame.

"Y/N, I am perfectly happy having anything you want to eat, because I know it makes you that little bit happier." I kissed her forehead and she let out a small giggle as I did.

I Knew that the giggle was for my benefit more than hers and I knew that she didn't mean that small smile that sat on her lips, I just wanted to pull her into my arms and hug her tight until she was her usual happy self again.

"The sound of my phone ringing made me let Y/N go as I walked over to the counter and pick up my phone only to see it was Rydel.

"Hey Delly." I called into the phone.

"Hey Ross, how's our girl?" she asked and I looked over at Y/N before I exited the room.

"Not to good. She is cooking dinner but, she isn't singing or dancing around the kitchen like she used to do. Delly, what am I supposed to do, she seems to be slipping away from me and I can't bring her back." I told her, sitting to the bottom step of the stairs,feeling a lump rise in my throat.

"Ross, I think I know what's wrong with her." She sighed and I perked up a little bit.

"Really? What is it?" I asked impatiently, biting my finger nail, a little excited to finally know what's wrong and a little anxious to find out at the same time.

"Well, you know that pic I posted of her and I last week?" she asked.

"Yeah, the one of you two from when we want to the UK and she took us all to watch a Soccer match in her home town?" I asked, know exactly which photo because I was one of my favourite picture of her and my sister.

"Yeah, that one, we're wearing the Soccer shirts she bought us. Well, I had heard that there was a comment for someone that plays for that team so as I was looking through I noticed a lot of hate comments,directed towards Y/N." at that I felt anger build in my chest.Mostly at the fans that had been sending hate to my girlfriend but a little bit towards Y/N because she didn't tell me.

"Why didn't she tell me?" I asked a little hurt.

"I'm sure she had her reasons Ross, why don't you ask her? Maybe she'll explain it." Delly told me. "Look, the boys and I will be round in five so do it quick OK." I could hear the smile in her voice and couldn't help but smile back.

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