FP Jones (Part 1)

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I sat on Betty's bed, listening to my Aunt Alice, Lecture me, once again, about how irresponsible I was being and how I needed to be a better role modal to my younger cousin Betty. A cousin who by the way is 16 yrs old.

"I mean did you think I wouldn't find out!" She yelled. "You're my niece, I find out everything." I rolled my eyes but kept listening, although I had heard it all before.

"That pit is no place for a girl like you Y/N." She continued. "And allowing Betty to follow you after I told you both to stay away from that place!". I sat there, feeling the anger build up until I blew.

"Alice, I'm 25 yrs old. I can take care of myself and as for Betty, she was there before I got there with Jug." I told her, finally having enough of her yelling at me." The Serpents know who we are and they don't or won't hurt us."

"Betty knows better that to go to a place like the Whyte Wyrm. She's smart." She told me.

"She is smart." I agreed.

"Look, you're family and I only want to keep you safe from those people. They're no good for this town and they..." 

"Who's 'They' Aunt Alice, The Serpents? You used to be one of 'them'." I reminded her, "I am one of them."

She looked at me shocked.

"How...What?" She stuttered, You know about my past?"

"Oh, yeah I've heard a lot about the great Alice Smith, the would be Serpent queen. Made the current Serpents look like Kids playing dress up, the way she handled business. Then she turned her back on her family, turned her nose up at the people who once fought side by side with her and she chose to write bullshit stories, blaming the South side for every little thing that whet wrong in her  little north side," I yelled.

"Y/N you don't understand...I...It's..." She stuttered after a couple of minutes.

"I understand perfectly fine. Alice Cooper is a bullshit stirring, back stabbing witch." I yelled. "And I don't want to be here if she's going to be hypocritical. So I'm going to stay with somebody who cares and trust in my Serpent life." I told her grabbing my shoes and keys. "When 'Alice Smith' decides she wants her family back, I'll be at the Wyrm." I told her as I left.

I walk outside into the pouring rain and walked over to Fred Andrews front door and Knocked. I smiled when Fred answered the door. I stood there in the pouring rain, without a coat, smiling sadly.

"Hey, Mr Andrews, my Aunt and I had a fight and I needed to get away, could I use your phone, mines broke and I need to call for a ride?" I asked hopefully. As expected Fred nodded and moved aside, allowing me to enter his home. I followed after him, into the kitchen where he handed me the landline, a small, friendly smile on his lips.

I thanked him and I took the phone and called a number I knew too well. After a few rings and no answer, I called another number I had called a thousand times. By now Fred had left me alone to make my calls as I waited quietly until a voice I knew rang through the phone.

"The Wyrm" he called into to the phone.

"Bug-eye, hey, It's Y/N" 

"Hey, he's in his office, I'll patch you through." The bartender chuckled, knowing full well who I was calling for. A couple seconds later the line went quite, then, Finally, the voice I'd long to hear all day rang through the phone. FP Jones, the only person in the world who makes me feel safe, even in the most dangerous situations.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" He asked down the phone, worry laced in his voice.

"FP, can you come pick me up?" I begged.

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