Peter Parker/Spider-Man

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The school day pretty much dragged for Peter Parker and I, we had be stuck in Chem, and had been for what felt like the last 15 hours. Pete tapped his pen against the desk next to me in the rhythm of one of my favourite Imagine Dragons songs, while I hummed along quietly finishing off the last of my work.

"OK Class, I expect you have all handed in the permission slips in for the Stark Tower trip tomorrow." Our teacher Mr Harrington announced. The whole class nodded and then the bell rang.

"Miss Barton and Mr Parker, please stay behind for a moment." He announced as we all stood to leave. Pete and I sat back down and waited until the room was empty and Mr Harrington came and sat on the desk with on of ours.

"I'm fully aware of your, involvement with the Stark industries, I know this because one of the conditions to our opportunity as that you two are to be in attendance." He told us and her eyed the two of us suspiciously. Of course he had know Idea of our involvement with SI. He had know clue that Peter was in fact spiderman and that his "internship" is just a cove. He had know idea that my dad is in fact Tony Stark himself and that I only use the name Y/N Barton to keep my identity a secret so people don't treat me any different. Only Pete, Ned and MJ know my really name and only they know of Peter's alter ego too.

Pete and I nodded carried on as he spoke. "I expect you two on your best behaviour, I don't want another repeat of last year." He instructed before he shooed us off.

"He acts like that terrorist group attacking us was OUR fault." I muttered as we made our why out of the school where Happy waited for the two of us.

"To be fair, those guys were after you personally, the only reason he didn't get you was because Spiderman stepped in and saved your ass." he rose and eyebrow as we climbed into the back of the car.

"Yeah, and then who had to step in and save both your asses?" My dad sassed on the video phone. I smiled over at the screen and my dad smiled back.

"Papa Stark, how's things?" I asked as he let out a chuckle.

"Good, kid, listen, The team and I have a mission and as Pepper isn't back in the states till tomorrow, May has offered you a bed for the night. I'm sorry it short notice but I've packed you a bag, and by me I mean your aunt Nat." My dad told me and I nodded.

"OK, when will you be back?" I asked, letting out a sigh, this was the third time this week he had left me in the care of Aunt May, luckily this time Peter hadn't been called to the line and I wasn't left alone.

"I'll be back early hours this morning, I'll Text you in the morning, I love you Kiddo." He smiled apologetically I told him I loved him back before He was gone and I turned to Pete who smiled.

"You wanna order take out and watch supernatural?" He offered, taking my hand and I nodded, resting me head in my boyfriends shoulder and Happy drove us to Pete's weeknight home, as we called is a he usually spent the weekends at the Tower with my dad and I, working on new weaponry for the Avengers.

******The Next Morning******

I woke up on the couch in the living room, wrapped up in Peter's arms as he snored softly, to my phone ringing. I picked it up to see ****IronDad**** Flash across the screen and I smiled, answering the call.

"Dad, Hey!"

"Hey, Kiddo, just letting you know we made it home safe, a little beat up but not to much." He said and I could here the smile in his voice.

"Went well then?" I asked and he grunted in reply, a sign he was tired and wasn't really in the mood to talk about it right now.

"OK, well, you get some sleep and I'll see you later, OK?" I told him and he chuckled back,

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