Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds (Part 5)

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Isat there starring at her. My Auntie Emily Prentiss. She was here,she was alive. I felt shocked, angry and happy all at the same time.I watched as everyone stood up and hugged her, tears in their eyes,but I was frozen in place not being able to stand.

"I'mso sorry, I know you all we so hurt but it was to protect you all andI..." She stammered as she pulled everyone into a hug butstopped when her eyes lead on my. I sat opposite her, the tablehiding my swollen tummy. I starred at her and shook my head, standingand walking out of the room.

Iwalked over to Rossi's office and and sat behind the desk. I startedcrying and I couldn't stop.


Iwatched as Y/N stood up and ran off out of the room. I know this isgonna be hard on her and I knew where she had gone so I moved tofollow.

"Where'dshe go?" Emily asked, a hurt look in eyes. I began to speak butReid interrupted me.

"Shedidn't handle your death well, she became depressed with in weeks anddeveloped an anxiety disorder. She would just panic at anything so wegave her a place to go to calm down. If she gets to stressed shecould harm herself and the baby." He told her before walking outof the room.

"Baby?"Emily asked shocked as she watched Reid leave.

"Yeah,she found out she was pregnant two months after your funeral. She wasfeeling sick and tired after your death and we all assumed it was dueto grief and stress but on a case she collapsed. We took her to thehospital and they found out she was pregnant." I told her as shesat down.

"Thatwas the first time she had smiled after she lost you. She has been alot happier since and she had been less anxious but she still hasattacks now and then." Garcia finished.

"Howfor along is she?" She asked.

"5months. She's happy and both her and Reid are excited." JJ toldher.

"Iwant to go see her." Emily asked but Hotch had other Ideas.

"EmilyI understand but we have a missing child who could be in danger.Please can you help here first." Hotch asked and Emily onlynodded.


Isat there on Rossi's chair, my hand subconsciously rubbing my stomachas I read through one of Rossi's books. He was a very talentedwriter, and an even better person. He looked after me after EmilyPassed he helped me and Spencer through a lot. I owe Rossi a lot.

Iheard a knock at the door and I looked up to see Spence stood there,leaning against the door frame smiling down at me.

"Youknow when I pictured my future, I never in a million years pictured abeautiful woman, sat there reading a book rubbing her pregnant belly,that carried my child inside." He sighed happily as he walkedover and kissed my forehead. "So tell me. Why does a girl whojust found out her most love relative is still alive look like herworld is falling apart?" He asked taking the book out of my handand placing it on the table.

"Idon't know, I just started feeling better about it and then...shejust shows up." I told him.

"Idon't understand, she's back. She is right here." He asked me

"I'mhappy she's back I am. It's just...when I though she was gone...I...Itook it hard and I stopped eating and drinking and because of thatI..I..."

"Youalmost lost the baby."

"Yeah,I just feel like it happened for nothing, you know." I sighedlooking up at Reid who nodded. "I just feel like.."

"Likeyou should have known better." Spencer offered and I nodded.

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