Stiles Stilinski-Teen wolf/Supernatural Crossover

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All all began about a year ago, I was on a case in Beacon Hills with my brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, nothing big just a call about a wolf problem. While in the small town we found that the wolves weren't the problem, it was the other supernatural things that kept attacking the town. We had decided that we would stay a bit and get on top of the crap that kept happening.

After about a month of being in the Beacon Hills, I was bitten by a werewolf known as Peter Hale, but instead of turning into a wolf like most of the people who were bitten by him that I had met around town, I became a banshee just like a girl Lydia who I had met and we quickly became best friends.

A while later Sam decided it was time to leave and after a lot of thought I figured, being a hunter all ready and all ready knowing about the supernatural stuff, I decided to stay in Beacon Hills and live with my friend Lydia so I can help out when ever something supernatural screwed things up, while my bothers traveled the country hunting. At first I really missed my brothers but I soon became busy saving Beacon Hills from various supernatural beings. In the last year I had become apart of Scott's pack, become good friends with most of the pack because of Lydia and I even managed to snag myself a socially awkward, sarcastic yet incredibly adorable dorky boyfriend named Stiles. A lot had happened in the last year but it only made the pack stronger and right now we needed to be strong...for Lydia, because yesterday Lydia was taken by a group of supernatural beings that wanted something from Scott and I.

Being a Winchester sure had it's draw backs, everyone knew who you were and wanted something from you. I had spent the day doing all I could to figure out what the hell these ass hat were but no such luck. I looked through every book I had, I even called Bobby for help but that didn't help at all. It looked like I had only one choice left...

I was sat with Stiles, Scott and Derek in Derek's loft trying to figure out how the hell we were going to get my best friend back. I was sat with Stiles on the sofa, listening to Scott and Derek argue about how to handle this situation. I had tried to give my input but apparently my approach was to violent and we didn't need to start any fights.

"Look, it's not like we know what the hell they are, Scott they took her and they won't give her back until they get what they want. We don't even know what the hell they want, we don't need to wait this one out." Derek said as he tried to reason with Scott who once again wanted to win this without fighting.

"No, we are not going to start another fight and get people hurt or worse killed." He growled at us.

"No offence Scott but things never works the way you want it and we always end up fighting. So I'm skipping the whole 'hand holding round the camp fire' part and fixing this myself." I said standing up, finally having enough of this crap, I grabbed my jacket and walking towards the door wanting to leave but Derek's voice stopped me.

"Oh Yeah, and what are you going to do? You just a Banshee Y/N, no special powers." he asked, rolling his eyes at me, I turned and smiled sweetly at him. By know Stiles had stood up and walked over to Scott and they were both watching me, worried about how I was going to respond. I was a lot like my big brother Dean when it came to my wit and well 'sassy pants' as Sammy would say.

"Oh I'm going to go over there and invite them to an 'all you can eat buffet', before asking them nicely." I replied, putting my jacket on over my red plaid shirt.

"Really?" Derek asked, raising his eye brow at me as I shook my head and pulled my phone out, looking at the screen and looking over at Derek again.

"No, stupid, not really, it's called sarcasm Derek, look it up...I'm going to go over there and kill them all one by one until they tell me where the hell my best friend is." I almost shouted as I walked over to him, pulled out my knife and pointed it at Derek's chest. "Lydia has been my best friend since I first moved out here and there is no way in hell I'm letting those ass hats get away with taking her away from her pack, do you understand?" I asked, Calmly, the sort of calm Stiles usually describes as scary calm, Before I put the knife away and carried on walking out of the loft.

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