Spencer Reid-Criminal minds/NCIS Crossover

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I was sat at my desk, talking to my boyfriend Spencer Reid and my best friend Penelope Garcia, who both worked with me at the FBI. "So, my two wonderful genius'. What's it like living together?" Penelope asked Spence and I as she took a sip of her coffee for a pink coffee mug with a glittery unicorn on the side.

Spencer and I had been together for 2 and half years and over the last weekend We had moved in together. We had moved out of our small apartments and moved into a cute little house about a mile away from the BAU office. "It's Great, every morning I get to wake up next to my amazingly beautiful girlfriend." Spencer said as he reached over both his and my desk and taking my hand. I smiled widely at him before turning back to Penelope.

"It is amazing, I guess it will be something we would need to get used to. You know, we both have a set way we like things to be but I think we're doing OK so far, right Spence?"

"Yeah we doing great." He said smiling back at me. "We can't wait for you guys to come round, how about this weekend, we could have dinner together." Spence offered, getting a little louder towards the end so the rest of the team could hear, the group all nodded in agreement and we went back to talking and working until Hotch came over to my desk. "Y/N, Can we talk?" He asked motioning towards his office. I nodded and stood following my boss as he shouted back to Garcia telling her to get the rest of the team in the conference room.

We entered Hotch's office and I took a seat at his desk. "What's up?" I ask as he takes a seat behind his desk and pulls out a file.

"We got a case" he said handing my the file

"OK, and why are you telling me this in here?" I ask taking the file but not yet opening it. I read the name on the top and noticed it was my file. I looked up a Hotch confused before looking down at my file.

"Four navy officers found dead within a five block radius and an Agent Gibbs from NCIS called us in, asking for you and this team specifically." I looked up at Hotch, both shock and fear evident on my face. Hearing that name brought back so many memories of my past. A past I hadn't yet told most of my team about. "I want you to take the lead on this one. You know the NCIS team, how the investigation will go and how to handle the investigation because this case would be different to the usual cases" He continued watching me closely

"I'll have to tell them the truth won't I. I mean will I have to tell them all of it or..."

"Just tell them what they need to know." Hotch interrupted before standing up and heading for the door. I followed after, a lump growing in my throat and tears filling my eyes. I had tried so hard to hide from my past for the three years that I've worked at the BAU. God the team are gonna hate me.

Hotch and I walked into the conference room and immediately Spencer noticed that there was something wrong but he saw me following Hotch so he kept seated.

"OK, we have a case in DC. But first there are somethings you need to know." Hotch said before taking a seat and handing the teams attention to me.

"OK story time." I said as I took a shaky breath. I heard Hotch whisper something to Spencer and a second later Spence was stood by me. I looked up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile and nodded. I took another breath before I looked back at the team and began.

"OK, as you know before I began working here I used to work at the university near by. But what you don't know is before I worked there, I worked in DC for NCIS." I explained, fighting back tears.

"My real, legal name is Y/F/N McGee. You all know that I was adopted as a baby. My adoptive parents changed my name to McGee but always told me about my birth mother so when I left NCIS after a horrible incident I wanted to start over. I have a brother but he never knew about my mum telling me about my birth mother so after a big argument with him I changed my name and the got a job at the university and here I am I also have a sister I still talk to her but she doesn't know where I am and she doesn't tell our brother we talk.." I said watching everyone to take in the unexpected info.

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