Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds/Sherlock Crossover part 2

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I walked into the Scotland Yard building followed by Spencer, Sherlock and John Watson. As I entered the room I was handed a cup a coffee and a pastry by JJ and was ushered into the room.

"Well, if it isn't the younger Freak." Sargent Donovan called as she walked into the room followed by Anderson and Gregg Lestrade.

"I'm sorry what?" I turned to her placing my coffee on the table and stood up.

"You heard me, So where have you been, have you faked your death recently too?" She sassed turning her back to me.

"Hey, do not insult me and then turn your back on me." I called grabbing her arm and turning her back to face me. "Do not insult me ever for that fact. I am here to help you because you are too incompetent to find a killer on your own." I warned.

"Who the hell are you calling incompetent. You couldn't live up to your freak of a brother so you ran away. If anyone is incompetent I believe it's you." She told me standing close to me and stood right in my face.

"Yes I left, but because I felt I wasn't needed here and my 'gifts' could be useful else where. Where as you, you have ruined lives, put down anyone who was remotely better than you at something in the slightest."

"What are you talking about freak."

"What I'm talking about Sargent Donovan, is the fact that when I was here working, you made me feel tiny. You like to act that people need your approval when they work here but I have a news flash for you. I don't need you approval in fact I don't care about you dimwitted opinion about me or my brothers, because I have them." I told her, pointing at the team who smiled at me and Spencer winked.

"And they are?" She asked confused.

"FBI." Lestrade spoke up. "They are here to assist with the case because as Y/N as so very kindly put it we are stuck and even with Sherlock and Dr Watson's help we are getting no where so I have invited the best of the best in to help." He informed her walking over and gently pulling me away from Donovan.

"Now if you to could put the claws away and we can get started." Hotch laughed shooting me a sly look of pride and amusment.

"Sorry Hotch, she just get's on my nerves." I told him as I walked away hearing Donovan mutter something under her breath.

"I'm sorry, what was that Sally?" I asked turning back towards her.

"I said you get on every bodies nerves. I'm surprised they even put up with you, no body wanted you when you were here and nobody wants you around now so I suggest you take a page out of your brothers book and...you know." She smirked and I smiled.

"Yes maybe you didn't want me here but I am most definitely wanted over back home with the FBI. I have friends, family and somebody who wants me and only me." I told her turning back to my team. "How is your wife Anderson, still dumb enough to keep you around or has she finally seen sense." I asked him.

"I'm not sure what you are trying to get at but my wife and I are fine and I'm not now nor have I ever been in a relationship with Sargent Donovan."

"Oh I wasn't implying anything. I'm sure Sally came by to use you shower and happened to put on your underwear." I shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" He stuttered looking over at Sally.

"Anderson, I can see the outline of your underwear and she smells suspiciously like your shower gel." I pointed out.

"OK enough with the pissing contest let's get on with the case." John laughed as he turned my attention to him.

"Of course Dr Watson, why don't catch us up in the case." I smiled over at him and sat by him/

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