Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds (Part 4)

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I lay in bed the sun creeping through the window as curled up into a ball. It had been two months since Emily died and I had been taking it badly. I only get out of bed for work these days, I don't eat much and I hardly sleep anymore.

I felt a wave of nausea and I dove out of bed and made it to the bathroom just in time to through up what little food I had eaten the night before.

"Y/N, are you OK?" Spencer asked as he came and sat by me rubbing my back. I nodded as I finished throwing up and sat up. He handed me my toothbrush and a glass of water which I took gladly and brushed my teeth. I moved to stand up but fell feeling another rush of nausea.

"Y/N I don't think it's a good idea for you to go into work today." Spencer told me as he rubbed my once again before I stood up.

"No I need to go in, I can't be here alone Spencer and I need to do something to keep my mind off of it." I informed him as I began changing into my skinny jeans and a white blouse.

"Y/N, please. You could get hurt out on the field like this and I would be too worried to concentrate."

"I know Spence and I am going to ask Hotch about staying behind on the next case. I'm not well enough to go out on the field since Em." I told him sadly as I put my hand on his cheek.

"OK, I'm just worried about you." Spencer sighed as he kissed my forehead softly.

"I know and I'm sorry. Now get changed we need to get going to work."

*at the office*

"Hotch, can I talk to you?" I asked as I knocked on the door frame to his office.

"Sure Y/N come on in, how you feeling?" He asked as I sat down on the chair by his desk.

"Honestly Hotch, not good, that's what I need to talk to you about. I want to stay behind for the next case." Informed him.

"If your not feeling up to work maybe take a couple sick days?" He offered picking up a sign.

"No, please Hotch, I don't want to be alone and I know if I were to get sick in the field Spence would get worried and his head wouldn't be in it. Can I stay behind and work with Garcia? I can help from the tech room and I know Spence would feel better me being watched over like a child." I sighed.

"He's only worried about you, we all are." He told me standing up.

"I know and I thank you all." I smiled softly.

"OK, you can stay behind, catch up on paper work, help Garcia and keep busy."

"Thank you sir I will."

"As long as you promise to eat something when Garcia says." He smirked, making me laugh a little.

"Now there's a sound I haven't heard in a while." I heard someone laugh. I turned to see Garcia smiling at the door. "We have a case sir." She moved her attention to Hotch before smiling back at me.

"Garcia, Y/L/N has requested to stay behind. I have agreed on the condition she eats when you say so as long as you are OK with that." Hotch smiled and she nodded smirking over at me.

"Oh boss man she will be healthy by time you get home." She told him grabbing my hand.

"OK let's go."

"Actually I need to use the rest room you carry on you can catch me up when the team have gone." I told her as I ran out the room to the bath room.

I'm not sure how long I was in the bathroom for but when I came out the team were all stood by their desks getting ready to leave.

I walked over to my desk a pulled out a pack of gum. "Hey, are you going now?" I asked Reid as I popped a piece of gum in my mouth.

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