Spencer Reid-Criminal Minds (Part 8)

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I let out a long breath as the wheels of the jet touched down. We were finally home.

"You OK Prentiss?" Morgan asked me, a slight chuckle leaving his lips as he smiled. I felt every bodies eyes on me as I nodded. 

"Just glad to be home...I REALLY want to get home and See AJ." I shrugged as the plane came to a stop and we all rose to our feet.

"You missed him huh?" Spencer asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Very much so, that case was just..." 

"It was a tough one, especially for your 1st one back." JJ agreed as we left the plane. 

"I just want to go home and see my boy before we have to leave again for our date." Spencer said as he grabbed our bag (Which we share since we lived together) and we made our car.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see my boys either, I hate cases like that, because I know that it could very well have been my boys who were taken and I'd hate that." JJ shrugged sadly.

"Right, I've date with my favourite guy and my favourite pretty boy." I smiled as I turned to the team.

"Will we be seeing you at Rossi's later?" Morgan asked as he hugged me and Spencer.

"I don;t know maybe, we'll see what time we got done with dinner, we're celebrating Y/N's first case back so we'll see how we feel later." Spencer rambled on as we climbed in car.

"Well, We'll see you later." Rossi smiled waving.

"Bye guys." I waved as I started the car. 

The car ride seemed to drag, I was exited to be getting home and I rushed as fast as the Law would allow, to get home. 

I felt Spencer place his hand on my knee as I anxiously bounced it up and down.

"Babe, you need to calm down. Alex is fine, He's with Emily remember." He reminded me as I smiled. Our case got dragged out longer than it should and we had call Emily, who had luckily had some time off and flew down to take over, this being the second time she had seen him.

"Right, I know, I'm excited, I've missed him." I sighed placing my hand on top of Spencer's.

"I've missed him too." He smiled, lifting my hand to his lips and placing a kiss on the back.

After what felt like hours Spencer and I pulled up out side our home, as quick as I could I rushed out of the car and smiled wide when I spotted Aunt Em standing by the door, holding AJ who sat in her arms playing with his toy.

"AJ," I called as I rushed over to see him.His little face lit up as he saw Spencer and I.

"Hey my baby boy, how was your time with Aunt Em?" I smiled as I took him from Em's arms, AJ let out a loud gargle as he grabbed my face.

"He was great, no complainants from me, except I'd love an 'hello Aunt Em' from my niece." She huffed, jokingly.

"Hello my wonderful Aunt Em, who I love so very much.

"Hey Dorothy." She grinned back. "I missed you kid." she smiled, "You OK?"  

"Yeah, just a tough case and I missed my son." I smiled up at her before I entered the house. Spencer and Emily following.

I sat down on the sofa and smiled as I watched my son play with a toy on my lap. 

6 months old, my boy was quite advanced for his age, he could sit up, crawl and he was quite advanced for a baby but he was mine and Spencer's baby. 

"Could I maybe see my son?" Spencer asked, sitting down beside me.

"I don't know...I haven't seen him in a week and I missed him to much." I told him. "and in..." I looked at my watch. "Three hours I will be leaving him again to go out to dinner with you." I sulked holding my baby closer to my chest kissing his head.

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