Jay Halstead 2

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Walking towards the CPD on the some what warm morning my mind was elsewhere so I ended up accidentally bumping into somebody.

"Crap, sorry." I rushed, looking up to see my ,'secret' boyfriend Jay Halstead who let out a chuckle and moved to the side, letting me walk ahead of him a little.

"You OK Baby?" He mumbled to me as we grew closer the the building, being careful not to let people over hear us.

"Yeah, just, bad day." I told him with a small smile. I was about to climb the stairs to the building when my arm was grabbed carefully and Jay dragged me to a near by ally way.

"You're lying, tell me, what's wrong?" He insisted. I huffed, feeling a little stupid, of course I couldn't hide anything from Jay, he knows me better than anybody, even myself.

Jay and I had been together for nearly two years now but weren't quite ready to let everyone on the team know yet. Not because we were ashamed of our relationship, or that we just didn't want people to know, we just like sneaking around, it gave us a sense of danger, made things...exciting.

We were going to tell the team, soon infact, we had to, Jay had very recently asked me to marry him, and since this meant an actual law binding marriage, we figure our family and friends should know.

I felt Jay place his hand on my cheek and lean in, resting his head on my forehead.

"Baby, tell me what's the matter?" He sighed, his minty fresh breath washing over my face. I looked up at him and smiled sadly.

"Today Mark's ten years since Frank Jordan killed my sister." I explained sadly. Jay let out a sympathetic sigh and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, I forgot about today, are you OK?" he worried and I nodded.

"I will be once we get into the office and get a case. I just need something to take my mind off of it." I shrugged. Jay nodded, as he looked out of the ally way and then back at me, giving me a wide toothy grin before he kissed me softly.

"OK, that worked a little." I muttered against his lips. He seem to deepen the kiss a little, pushing me back against the wall, sliding his hands under my top. He pulled away, smirking down at me.

"How was that?" he wondered cheekily.

"well, I'm not thinking about my sisters anymore, that's for sure." I replied, reaching my arms up to his face and kissing him one last time before we pulled apart and straightened our clothes.

"come on lets go see what Voight has for us." Jay offered and i nodded.

"wait, Jay..." I began, he turned around and I dove into his chest. "thank you, for making me feel a little better, even if it was for a couple seconds."

"Any time baby, it's what I'm here for. I hate seeing to sad." he grinned back. I pulled away and the two of us returned to our journey back to the CPD.

I climbed the stairs to the main entrance and Jay grabbed the door.

"M' lady." He joked, I bowed, thanking him, playing along.

"You two gonna keep flirting or are you gonna actually go out on a date?" I heard Trudy call, I looked up at her as she leaned over the reception counter and I winked, continuing our way up to intelligence.

Walking into the room, I saw Voight at the notice bored, Burgess and Ruzek were sat chatting at a desk and Atwater was walking towards the break room.

"Hey guys!" I called out, earning a few hellos from the team who were here.

"I see you and Halstead arrived together...again." Ruzek noted loudly.

"Yes, well, that tends to happen, when you work together, live a few blocks away from each other and like to arrive on time." I replied,

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