Jay Halstead 2 (Part 2)

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5pm soon rolled around and Kim and I had to start getting ready. We walked out into what we called wardrobe.

"So, what do you think I should wear?" Kim asked, flipping through the few outfits.

"Well, it's a club, so, that red dress, those black studded stilettos and that leather jacket." I pointed out as I searched.

I wasn't one for dresses so I chose a pair of black sequin short shorts, a loose fitting lace top that showed just enough cleavage. I slipped on a pair of black strappy shoes and what ever lose, low hanging jewellery I could find.

Once hair and make up were done Kim and I headed out to see Jay and Ruzek waiting, both dressed up.

"Wow, look at you too." Ruzek grinned. Jay stood speechless for a second before regaining his composure and stepped forward.

"You ladies ready?" He asked, holding his arm out, which I took.

"Double dating with S/N." Ruzek called as we all head back to the bullpen to meet Voight, Dawson and Atwater.

"I will kill you Ruzek, just know that."

Everyone in the room laughed as Ruzek winked at me.

Once Voight had briefed us on the job we all left, heading to our posts.

It was a few hours later and Jay and I we stood in a concealed ally way, around the side of the bar. Out of sight, incase we bump into Jordan.

I lent across the wall, playing with my ring when a voice rang through my ear.

"Y/L/N, Halstead, Jordan is heading straight for you get out of there." Voight ordered.

"Yes boss." I whispered into my coma  but looking around the corner I noticed our suspect walking towards us. There was not time to move so thinking quick on my feet I grabbed Jay.

"Kiss me, quick!" I whispered. Before Jay could say anything, I pulled Jay into me and kissed him. At first Jay stiffened against me but after a second he relaxed into our embrace and kissed me back, pushing me against the wall.

The kiss was urgent and filled with...something I couldn't quite figure it out.

We stayed like this until I heard a voice chuckle.

"Huh, young love. Theres nothing like it." I pushed Jay away quickly and faked embarrassment as I looked at our suspect.

"I'm sorry, 1 year anniversary." I lied, well, it wasn't exactly a lie, today really was a year since we got together. The man only smiled and wished us luck before he kept walking. I watched, as the man who killed the only family I had, turned back a little to look back at me and I felt my heart stop as he stopped dead and turn his whole body around, looking straight at me, a sickening smile in his face.

"Miss Y/L/N...I hardly recognizes you." He smirked after a minute or so.

"What's it been? Ten Years?" He fished and I shrugged.

"Something like that, yeah." I growled. My eyes fixed in him as he took a step forward.

"Wow, to think, I thought you were dead." He laughed evilly.

"No, I just got a job, putting scum like you away." I growled.

I saw Jay step in front of me, putting himself inbetween Frank and I.

"Y/L/N, keep your distance, don't react, it's what he wants." Burgess reminded me and I took a deep breath.

"It was such a shame about your sister, she seemed like such a nice girl." The mob boss smirked and I felt my finger twitch, ready to reach for my gun.

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