It's a Text Alert

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A/N So this is definitely not my best work, but I'm kinda fixated on this idea so I wrote this little story. Basically John hates Irene's text tone and retaliates. THERE ARE MENTIONS OF SMUT IN THIS ONE!!!! its subtle, but it is there. I have a few better ones planned so just be patient while I write this nonsense lol. I'm really sorry if it sucks! Enjoy<3

"You're still texting her?" I rolled my eyes at John's petty words. We had been involved in a romantic relationship for nearly three months now and still John was jealous of my relationship with Irene. I couldn't believe that he still felt that way, even when he was currently inside me. I wriggled my hips, reminding him that he was in the middle of something.

"Can we please discuss this at a later time? Perhaps when you aren't buried inside me?"

"I'm holding you to that."

"Fine, just please continue-" He interrupted me by returning to his original pace and distracting me from my thoughts. I hoped he would forget about Irene Adler.

He didn't forget about her, mainly because she sent me another text as we sat in our respective chairs, sipping tea a few hours later. Damn that obnoxious ringtone.

"Seriously?" He shouted, slamming the book he had been reading shut.

"I thought I changed that ringtone."

"Sherlock, why are you still talking to her?"

"I don't talk to her John, she talks at me."


"I really don't understand why you are so jealous of her John; I have made it perfectly clear that I have never felt anything other than respect towards her."

"You saved her life and lied to me about it!"

"It was none of your concern."

"I swear to god Sherlock if you don't stop texting her-"

"I don't text her John! I never have! You can look at the messages." I had reached the end of my rope at this point. I picked up my phone and tossed it into his lap before storming off to my make-shift lab. We had converted John's old bedroom into my lab shortly after he started spending the night in my room. I spent the rest of the night up there, only seeing my lover when he came to return my phone and say good night. It appeared he had forgiven me for allowing Irene to text me. We returned to our normal relationship, not discussing her again.

Everything had seemed normal, until Irene had texted me again. It was several weeks after the argument, and we were on a case, surrounded by people at the yard when her message blew up my phone. The only issue was that the sounds that were coming from my phone were definitely not Irene's moan. They actually belonged to John, but I was the only one other than him that knew that. I scrambled for my phone, my face and ears heating with embarrassment as John's sounds of ecstasy continued. He must have recorded them when he had my phone the day of the fight. I couldn't find my phone, so the sounds continued, filling the now silent room with John's moans.

"Sherlock, what the bloody hell is that?" Lestrade sounded absolutely accosted, only serving to embarrass me further. I could hear John snickering in the corner and I shot a glare his way as I found my phone. I quickly opened the message and shut the sounds off.

Stop embarrassing John and change my ringtone ;) – IA

I shot another withering glare towards my boyfriend, who was grinning proudly. He must have texted Irene and had her text me when the time was right.

"Sorry Greg; that was me." John piped up, laughing loudly at the reactions he got from the people surrounding us.

"T-that was y-you, John, what the fuck?" I felt my entire body heat in embarrassment. John and I had only been seeing each other romantically for a few months and we had been trying to avoid discussing our sex lives with people. That had been John's request. "John, please tell me that wasn't you making those noises. I really don't need to know what you sound like during sex." Lestrade sounded as distraught as I felt.

"No don't worry Greg, that's not what I sound like during sex." John walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, bumping his hip against mine playfully. "I tend to be much more talkative when I'm fucking him." My jaw dropped and I felt him press a soft kiss to my cheek. He spun us around and dragged me from the crime scene, leaving a mortified Lestrade in our wake.

We made it back to the flat shortly and I felt the anger I had been holding back overwhelm me. I grabbed my lover and slammed him against the nearest wall, pinning him there.


"What the fuck John? Why would you do that, In front of everyone at the Yard nonetheless?"

"It's embarrassing isn't it?" I frowned, not understanding what he meant. "Having everyone listen to something that you know they have no business hearing while you can do nothing to stop it? Do you have any idea how much it hurts me when you refuse to change her ringtone? Every time I have to hear it, I'm reminded of what it felt like to think I had lost you to her. Then I have to explain to everyone that asks that your text alert is the sound of a dominatrix moaning, and that no, she isn't your girlfriend, you just refuse to change the sound." I felt a pang of guilt settle in my gut. I had no idea that my texting Irene hurt John this much. I had just assumed that he was irrationally jealous and possessive.

"I-I'm so sorry John. I will block her number immediately."

"I don't care that she texts you Sherlock. I care that you refuse to change her ringtone. It just reminds me that there are people that are just as beautiful as you that would jump at the chance to have you, and that you are, by all regards, way out of my league." I felt a flash of hurt pass through me and I kissed my boyfriend possessively, drawing a low moan from his throat.

"John Watson, you are the only person I have ever wanted, and that will never change. I will change her tone, then I am going to take you to bed and-" I was cut off by the sound of John's moaning coming from my pocket once more. We both started giggling as I fished the device out of my pocket.

Sorry boys, hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I do have a question for Sherlock. Will you be my Maid of Honor? – IA

Only if I don't have to wear a dress – SH

Deal – IA

John grabbed my phone and tossed it on the couch before capturing my lips in a needy kiss.

"You were saying something about taking me to bed?" I chuckled darkly and led my lover to the bedroom, where we spent the rest of the day, blatantly ignoring our phones.

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