Best Men and Anxiety Attacks

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A/N Okay...This one started funny and cute but got a little sappy at the end. I struggled with anxiety attacks when I got married and I kind of figured Sherlock might suffer from them once in a while to. TRIGGER WARNING!!! Mentions of suicide attempts. Also Mary and Rosie are both dead in this one, but that isn't hugely relevant. Enjoy <3

"Absolutely not."

"But John-"

"No Sherlock, you can choose literally anyone else to be your Best Man."

"But John-"

"Sherlock, I'm not discussing it any further. I will not go through with this wedding if you ask Irene Adler to be your Best Man." John's tone left no room for argument, so Sherlock let out a childish huff and slouched in his chair. He ran through every possible way he could convince his fiancé to allow him to ask The Woman to stand up with him.

"I'll do that thing you like-"


"Fine!" He thought for a moment, bouncing his knee a few times. "I will stop asking if you at least let me invite her." He heard John's exasperated sigh and could almost see him rubbing his hands over his face.

"Fine, you can invite her, but if she doesn't behave I swear to God-"

"Yes, yes, I know, you will kill her slowly and painfully." Sherlock grinned and leapt from his chair, practically running to his future husband, taking his face in his hands and kissing him deeply. "I may be persuaded to do that thing you like just because you said yes to her coming." He whispered against the shorter man's lips.

"Oh, you are a bad man Mr. Holmes." John growled in response, pulling him close and latching on to his neck. Sherlock chuckled and pushed his lover away gently.

"Not now Love, we have a wedding to plan and a bridal party to hash out." John let out a desperate little whine at this, but let Sherlock go, realizing that he would get nowhere with a distracted Sherlock. "Can you still call it a Best Man if they are a woman?"

"I suppose you could just go with Maid of Honor then."

"I prefer Best Man."

"Then go with that. Who are you thinking of now?"

"Molly Hooper."

"Do you really think she would want to be your Best Man after everything?"

"I hope so, its either her or Mycroft." He spat his brothers name, causing John to giggle in that way he fell in love with all those years back. "Besides, I do believe it is customary for the Best Man to hook up with at least one of the Bridesmaids. So, if one of your friends is single and worthy of Molly's night, I can lure her in with the promise of sex."



"Not good."

"Oh, logical though?"

"Yes, it's logical, but don't tell her that is your plan." Sherlock nodded and pulled out his cell phone, planning on shooting her a text about this. "Don't ask her over text, go down to the morgue and ask her in person."


"It's an important question."

"One that is best discussed over a decaying corpse?"

"In Molly Hooper's case, yes."

"Fine. I will be back." Sherlock stood, pressing a soft kiss to John's lips, nearly having to force the blogger off him when he started to get hands-y. He grabbed his coat and scarf and bounded from the flat, already trying to formulate the best way to ask his question.

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