A/N Okay, so a while ago I did a potterlock where John and Sherlock were staff at Hogwarts. In this one, they are students. TRIGGER WARNING!!!! This one deals with physical abuse and attempted suicide. Enjoy<3
"It was an accident." The young boy winced as John pressed a cold cloth to the cut on his cheek. This was the third time his friend came to his room in the middle of the night with a cut or bruise in the past few weeks and John knew it was not accident.
"Bullshit. Stop lying to me Sherlock." John pulled out his spell book and hunted for the correct spell to heal the damage. "He broke the skin this time. That doesn't happen by accident." John was furious, he hated seeing his best friend like this. The only time he ever saw Sherlock this year were these times when he showed up, crying and bleeding, at his door.
"He doesn't mean it, he wouldn't hurt me on purpose." John felt as though his heart were being ripped apart. It was no secret around Hogwarts that Sherlock and Moriarty were together, but John was the only one other than the Dark Arts teacher that knew just how bad things were between them. Professor Lestrade had given John the proper spells to heal Sherlock, and promised to not say anything unless the boy decided he was ready to get out.
"Why did he hit you this time?" John continued cleaning the wound, reluctant to let he younger friend leave the safety of his room.
"I was rude to Sebastian, I called him out on his crush on Jim." Sherlock's voice had gotten quiet, as though he were afraid of admitting the reason. John chuckled softly, unable to contain the adoring smile that split his face. He had been in love with Sherlock since they first started at Hogwarts, but the younger could never see. They were in the same year, despite Sherlock being several years his junior.
"Sebastian has a crush on Jim?"
"Yes, and he isn't subtle about it. Practically hanging off him like some sort of parasitic vine. I figured that since I am dating Jim I should be uncomfortable with that, so I said something." Sherlock shrugged, fiddling with his scarf. The young Ravenclaw looked around John's room, wrinkling his nose at the obnoxious Gryffindor colors. John recognized this signs in his friend, he was trying to find something else to talk about.
"Are you uncomfortable with Seb's feelings for him?" John asked, unable to contain the hope that started welling in his chest. Maybe Sherlock didn't really care about Jim, maybe he would leave him.
"I don't know. Logically I know I should be. Someone is flirting with the man I-" John felt his stomach drop. Sherlock loved Moriarty, he almost said it. "I just can't bring myself to actually feel upset about it." He looked at John then, his eyes filled with so much pain John could all but feel his heart shred itself.
"Do you love him?" John felt his voice crack at that question. It hurt to ask, to voice that fear, but he had to know.
"I don't know. I am not well versed in emotions and such. What does love feel like?"
"The only thing I know of love is how much it hurts, but it's a good kind of pain you know? Its like how your muscles burn after exercise. It hurts, but you know it's a good burn. Its worth it. You shouldn't have to wonder if the pain is worth the affection you receive. If it isn't, that's not love." John picked up his wand and muttered the healing spell, feeling a flash of guilt as Sherlock winced again. When the skin had healed, John started packing away his supplies, expecting Sherlock to be leaving right away, as he always did.
"You hate Jim, don't you?" Sherlock's voice cut through John's heart like a hot knife. He nodded, unable to trust his voice. "Why?"
"Why? Why the hell do you think I hate him Sherlock? He beats you! He treats you like an idiot when you are clearly the smartest person in this bloody school! He abuses my best friend and I can't do anything about it because you won't let me!" John was crying now, unable to contain the tears any longer. He hid his face in his hands and sobbed violently, all the pain of watching his best friend suffering finally making its way to the surface. He felt strong arms pulling him in and the familiar scent of lavender and smoke filled his nose. He melted into Sherlock's embrace, silently thanking Merlin that the boy had grown so much over the summer.