A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! I saw this prompt on Tumblr and ran with it...it was supposed to be short and fun...it got long and slightly angsty...oh well! lol. John is a Med student and Sherlock is a demon. Enjoy!!
John was done. Done with everything. He was halfway through his residency, half the staff hated him, and he had just been dumped by his girlfriend of three months. His application for a transfer to a different hospital had been denied, and his father was on the warpath again.
It was nearly three in the morning when he gave up trying to sleep.
He walked over to the kitchen, deciding to make himself a sandwich. He pulled the ingredients from the fridge and went about making his snack.
He found himself drifting in thought, lost in his depressed musings. He shook his head to find he had doodled a pentagram onto the bread with the mustard. He giggled to himself. It was a silly thing he and an old buddy of his used to joke about. Drawing a pentagram and summoning a demon to give them luck.
"Well, this is a first." A deep voice filled the air, causing John to jump and stumble back into the refrigerator. He grabbed for the first piece of silverware he could find and held it before him. "Ooh, a butter knife, I'm terrified." The voice came from a figure leaning against the counter. He was tall, unnaturally thin, and pale. His smirk was dark as he pushed off the counter, stepping into the light.
His eyes flashed red.
"W-what the fuck?"
"Not one with the words I see. Oh well, most aren't these days. What did you want?"
"W-what did I want? What do you want? You are the one materializing in my flat!"
"You summoned me."
"No, I didn't!" The man looked confused for a moment before stepping ever closer to John.
"You must have."
"No, no, trust me I didn't. I simply wanted a sandwich!" John was starting to calm down now, and against his better judgement, he placed the knife on the counter. He rubbed his hands over his face and stepped back over to his abandoned snack.
He laid out two more slices of bread.
"What are you doing?"
"Making a sandwich."
"You just summoned a demon, and you are making a snack?"
"Yep." John finished making the sandwiches, placing them on a couple of plates and sliding one across to his guest.
The man stared uncertainly at the food, as though he had never seen anything like it before.
"It's not poisoned. Just eat it. You look like you haven't eaten in a month."
"I'm a demon, eating is not really a priority for me."
"Well, I put effort into making it, so eat the damned thing." John snapped, starting on his own sandwich. The demon looked affronted for a moment before obeying, timidly lifting the food to his lips and taking a small bite.
They ate in silence, a strange sense of comfort growing between them.
"So, do you have a name?" John finally asked, placing his now-empty plate in the sink. The man did the same, brushing the crumbs off his hands before straightening his dress shirt.
"Why do you want to know my name?"
"Well, you're in my flat, we just had a sandwich together at four in the morning. I don't think it's too much to ask." The man smiled slightly, studying John with an intense gaze.