A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! So NebbiaPaffy requested this last night, and since all the research on the spectrum I did for 'I Just Want You to be Happy' was still fresh on my mind, I figured I would try writing it right away! In this one, Sherlock is Genderfluid, so his gender identity changes sometimes. Some days he identifies as a boy, some days he identifies as a girl, and sometimes he identifies as neither. This is a teenlock story, and, as requested, has no angst and is basically solid fluff...Hope it meets your request!!! Enjoy<3
***I just want to note that I wrote Sherlock's part with male pronouns...there wasn't a lot of information on how to write Genderfluid characters, but a lot of message boards and whatnot that I visited said that writing like this would be acceptable...if you have any advice or tips then feel free to let me know and I can do another one!!***
"Hey Sherl?" All John got in response was a vague hum, so he grabbed for the nearest pillow, throwing it at his date. The glare Sherlock sent him was more than worth it, and he couldn't stop himself from lapsing into giggles.
"What do you want John? I'm trying to finish my makeup." John draped himself dramatically off the edge of the bed, his hair brushing the floor as he sighed heavily.
"I know, I'm just bugging you." Sherlock rolled his eyes, leaning closer to the mirror to apply more of whatever that stuff was he was brushing on his eyelids. "Have I ever told you how much I love that shade on you?" John reached over, playing with the hem of Sherlock's skirt, a deep purple shade that matched the makeup on his eyes. Sherlock blushed, swatting John's hand away and making him giggle again.
"Yes, you tell me every time I wear it. Now, sit up. You're going to pass out." John sighed heavily and pulled himself into a sitting position and stretching, his head going slightly fuzzy as the blood rushed away from his brain.
He watched his boyfriend applying his makeup, unable to stop the soft smile that pulled at his lips.
Sherlock was Genderfluid, so there had been lots of afternoons like this, where John would do his homework while Sherlock practiced applying his makeup. John loved watching Sherlock do his makeup, finding something oddly satisfying in the nearly-obsessive way he fussed over the various creams and powders.
They had grown up next door to each other, spending most afternoons in each other's company. John had been the first person Sherlock told when he came out as Genderfluid, and in turn, Sherlock had been the first to find out that John was Bisexual.
"Are you going to prom?" Sherlock froze, sending an uncomfortable look towards John, before shaking his head timidly. John stood, turning Sherlock's chair to face him and cupping the other boy's jaw. "Will you come with me?" Sherlock blushed, blinking up at John and fidgeting nervously.
"John, I-I don't- I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?"
"Because, I-I don't know, what I'll be-"
"So? Just tell me the colour you want me to wear, and I'll make sure to show up in that colour. If you want to go in a full tux with neon accents, or a snot green dress, or a mix of the two, it doesn't matter." Sherlock was clearly fighting back a chuckle, his shoulders shaking slightly and his lips pressed tight. "You will be the most attractive person there, guaranteed." Sherlock shook his head, blushing darkly and leaning up to press a soft, timid kiss to John's lips.
"I will be the second most attractive person there." John furrowed his brow, opening his mouth to respond. The thought of someone being more attractive that Sherlock Holmes didn't sit right in his mind. "You will be there as well." John laughed, leaning down to kiss Sherlock deeply, grinning as he was pushed away. "Stop that, you're going to smudge my lipstick."