A/N A little Halloween story I came up with. I'm not sure how popular Halloween is in England, but it just thought this would be cute. Enjoy <3
"I still don't understand why I have to wear this bloody thing." Sherlock grumbled as I fastened the long blue cloak around his neck. "Halloween is a stupid tradition that simply enables children's obsession with sugar." I laughed as I looked over his costume; he looked good, the shades of brown and blue accenting his pale eyes.
"Well then I guess it's a good thing we aren't going to Rosie's Halloween party." I chuckled, stepping back and adjusting my own outfit.
"What do you mean; I thought this was for Rosie?" The confusion in his voice was obvious. I had told him that Rosie's pre-school was having a Halloween party and the parents had to attend, in costume. This wasn't true. In reality, Molly was hosting a costume party and asked everyone to come dressed as their favourite fictional character. Sherlock doesn't read fiction so I chose for him. We were going as Thorin and Bilbo from the Hobbit.
"Nope," I smirked, pulling on his cloak and dragging him out the door before he could question me. He grumbled the entire time, but I just ignored him. We hailed a cab and I gave the driver the address. I knew that Sherlock had never been to Molly's place so he didn't recognize the address I gave the driver.
"Yes Sherlock?"
"Why are we dressed as Thorin and Bilbo?" I was shocked, Sherlock only ever read scientific volumes and chemist books, and he certainly hadn't watched the movie.
"How in the hell do you know who Thorin and Bilbo are?" He flushed slightly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
"Mycroft used to read it to me when I was a child. Lestrade drug me to see the movie while you were in New Zealand with Sarah." I was speechless, images of a young Mycroft reading The Hobbit to a baby-faced Sherlock racing through my mind.
"I had no idea you liked the story."
"I don't just read scientific volumes John; I am actually rather into the Fantasy genre." He sounded affronted at my judgement. "Some of my favourite novels include the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series. So I ask you again, why did you choose Thorin and Bilbo for our costumes?" It was my turn to blush. Even though the task was to dress up as a fictional character, my reasons for choosing these particular characters were embarrassing. I had been bored the other day and found myself in the underbelly of Tumblr. I found a blog that focused on the subtext in Bilbo and Thorin's relationship. The blog intrigued me and when Molly sent us the invite it thought it would be interesting to go as the two characters, almost like a very subtle nod to my feelings for the taller man.
"I-I don't know, the theme is fictional characters and these were the first two that came into my mind." I looked out the window and squirmed, his gaze making me uncomfortable.
"So this wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the blog you were looking at on Tumblr the other day?" I froze, my ears burning. Of course he was snooping again, I should have made sure too thoroughly cleanse my browser history.
"W-what," I tried to play stupid, even though I knew it was futile.
"You know the one, it talked about, what was it again, Bagginshield?" I could hear the laughter in his words. I felt him shift closer to me and I prayed that we would arrive at Molly's soon. "What is wrong Halfling?" He had deepened his voice, sending chills down my spine. I looked at him trying to gauge what he was doing. There was a confidence in his eyes I didn't recognize. I swallowed, a lump catching in my throat.
"Sherlock-" He shushed me with a finger against my lips. He was incredibly close to me now and I could feel my breathing hitch.
"I thought you wanted me to be Thorin?" His voice was so deep and he was so close, I could feel my heart racing. I was backed up against the door of the cab, trying desperately to contain myself.
"Y-yeah, but-"
"What little Hobbit? Don't fear me." He was nearly pressed against me now; I pressed my hands against his chest, trying to push him off me. I was panicking now. "I know you don't just look at Bagginshield John." I could feel his lips against my ear as he leaned in to whisper. "I have seen your browser history. I know you have looked at our fan's theories about us." My stomach knotted. "Don't be embarrassed little Hobbit, I have seen those blogs as well. I find them, intriguing." His voice was a deep growl now and I could feel my skin heating up. He bit my ear softly, pulling a moan from my lips. He chuckled and moved to capture my lips in a chaste kiss. It didn't last long, but it was enough to pull the air from my lungs.
"Sherlock-" I could barely think, this was everything I had been craving for so many years.
"This is what you want, right John? I haven't misinterpreted your signals have I?" He pulled back, concern in his eyes as he tried to read my face. I nodded and gripped my fingers in his outfit, pulling him back to me and pressing my lips against his. He made a surprised sound, but soon he gave in and returned the kiss. We pulled apart when we felt the cab pulling to a stop. We straightened ourselves out, paid the cabbie, and stepped onto the curb.
"Where are we John?" I laughed when I realized that I still hadn't told him where we were going.
"Molly is throwing a costume party, and I wanted to go." He whined, causing me to laugh harder. He glared at me and silenced me with another kiss, this one harsher than the last, but still perfect. I moaned against his lips as he forced his tongue between my teeth and brushed it against my own. We were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. We sprung apart, breathless and dizzy. I saw the familiar frame of Greg Lestrade propped against the wall, a huge grin pulling at his lips.
"Hello boys, great costumes." His voice was cheeky, causing me to blush deeper than I ever had before. Sherlock straightened and placed his arm possessively over my shoulders.
"Thank you, Captain Jack." His voice sounded almost as cheeky as Greg's. I registered what the DI was wearing. He was dressed as Jack Harkness from Doctor Who. Another show I was unaware Sherlock enjoyed.
"About bloody time you two got together." I smirked and glanced up at Sherlock, catching the soft smile that he threw my way.
"I couldn't agree with you more Detective Inspector." He whispered and leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. My smirk turned into a grin as we made our way into Molly's flat, ignoring Lestrade's comments. I willed the evening to move faster, so I could get us back to the flat and finish what we had started in the cab.