A/N So, I am apparently stuck on Taylor Swift right now, which is a little weird considering I am not really that into her music normally, but what can I say, the girl can write a good love song. Anyway, Enjoy<3
John had moved back in to Baker Street and things seemed like they were going to get better. Mary had fled the country and taken little Rosie with her. Even though Sherlock insisted he was looking, John knew that he wasn't trying very hard. They had shared a kiss after Mary disappeared and since then they were growing closer. Neither of them was willing to move too quickly and jinx whatever was forming between them, so they never really talked about it. They just sort of settled into a comfortable routine of gentle touches and timid kisses. They would cuddle on the sofa, Sherlock's head resting in John's lap while the doctor massaged his scalp and played with his curls.
Eventually, they started sharing a room, never doing anything more than cuddling. One night while they were cuddling, Sherlock noticed an oddly shaped case in the corner of John's room. He had never noticed it before.
"John, are you awake?"
"I am now. What's wrong love?" Sherlock couldn't help the soft smile that pulled at his lips at the pet name John had started using for him.
"Why is there a guitar case in your room?"
"Well, perhaps that is because that is where I put it." Sherlock chuckled at the sarcastic statement. He always felt bad for waking John up, but only for a little because he got to see a different side of the man. He was more open when he was half asleep, the intense filter he always kept up slipping away.
"Cute, seriously though, since when do you have a guitar?"
"I played a little when I was younger, and I just never sold it. I honestly forgot it was there." The shorter man rubbed his eyes and propped himself up on one elbow, looking sleepily at the detective.
"How come you have never played it?"
"I just said I forgot I had it. Why is this concerning you so much love?" Sherlock sighed as John ran his fingers through his hair, playing absently with the dark curls.
"It's not concerning me, I was just wondering why you never talk about it."
"There are a lot of things that I haven't told you about my teen years Sherlock. Eventually we will make it through everything, but not right now ok? I am pretty tired and would just like to go back to sleep." Sherlock nodded and let his thin frame become wrapped up in his blogger's arms, resting his head on John's chest and listening to the steady thrum of his heart.
"Will you play for me sometime John?"
"One day love, let's sleep for now though?" They fell asleep soon after, content in each other's embrace.
The guitar didn't come up again for several weeks. In fact, Sherlock had almost completely forgotten about it. Until one night following a particularly rough case, John had been attacked and received a few rough punches to the gut and face. Sherlock didn't handle John getting hurt very well before they were together and now that they were officially dating he reacted worse than ever. After nearly killing the man that hurt John, he spent the entire trip back to the flat in an angry silence. When they arrived he had his melt down, screaming at John and trying to convince him to no longer join him on cases.
"Sherlock, you are being unreasonable. I have always known the dangers involved with you and it hasn't stopped me before. Besides, I wasn't even hurt that badly, just a couple of bruises."
"John, I won't risk losing you again."
"You never lost me love, not even close."
"I won't be the reason you get killed John."