A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! So Kristin5687 requested this one...it was inspired by a pic that is online...I will include it above...its super fluffy and cute so I hope you like it!!! Enjoy<3
Sherlock fidgeted nervously with his suit jacket. He was taking John to Angelo's to celebrate their third anniversary as a couple. He hated the practice of celebrating anniversaries, its boring and serves only to reaffirm love between couples whose sex lives were failing. His and John's sex life was as fulfilling as it had been when they first started dating.
"Sherlock? You ready Love?" John's voice came from the doorway of their bedroom, shocking Sherlock from his thoughts. He turned and felt his chest tighten when he laid his eyes on his boyfriend.
John was dressed in his best blue shirt, the one that made his eyes look brighter. He had a pleased smirk on his face and he licked his lips, scanning his eyes over Sherlock's form, his eyes almost hungry. It made Sherlock blush, as it always did, and he fought with the collar of his suit again.
"You look gorgeous Love." John whispered as he stepped closer to Sherlock, winding his arms around the detective's waist and pressing a kiss to his shoulder. Sherlock sighed and leaned back against his lover's steady form, breathing in his rich cologne. He loved the way John smelled, rich but not overwhelming, masculine but not in a, aggressive way.
He smelled like love and home and John.
"I could say the same about you." John laughed and turned Sherlock in his arms, gripping his waist and leaning up to kiss him. It was soft and sweet, exactly the kind of kiss that left Sherlock weak and needy. He could see what the doctor was trying to do, and he pulled away before John could manipulate him out of his clothes. "John, we have a reservation." John groaned and reached around Sherlock's waist, pinching his arse and pulling a sharp yelp from the detective. John giggled and kissed Sherlock again, ignoring the displeased scowl.
"Angelo's doesn't require a reservation Love, we can go anytime."
"I promised-"
"Even Angelo knows to not hold you to your word."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"You're always late!"
"I am not!"
"Yes, you are! Now, stop arguing with me and let me suck you off before we go." Sherlock whimpered when John's hands started fighting with his belt.
"John, I just finished getting ready-"
"Oh please, like anyone will be able to tell." Sherlock gripped John's shoulders just before the shorter man could drop to his knees.
"Come on! I can't help it. You just look so delicious right now, in that bloody purple shirt-"
"Why do you like this shirt so much? Every time I put it on I have to fight to keep it on."
"I like the way it makes your neck look."
"My neck?"
"Yes, your neck. Can I please suck you off now?"
"I promise I'll make it quick. You know I can-"
"You know the more you protest, the more I want to do to you."
"John, we are going to be late." John's eyes suddenly took on a mischievous gleam and he gripped Sherlock's hips tightly.