A/N So MandyFullertonLee asked me to entertain her today and so I started sending her a bunch of cute little blurbs about ParentLock and this is what came of that. In this story, Rosie is 15 and has a date that she thinks is going to end with sex, so she tells Sherlock. John is over protective and Sherlock is understanding and supportive. There is no actual smut in this one but the do talk about sex a lot so fair warning. Enjoy<3
P.S. if any of you guys have requests for anything you want to see me try to write just leave a comment or message me :) <3
"Dad, please, you are being unreasonable!"
"I am not being unreasonable. You are too young to be dating, end of story. Now, why don't you go watch TV or something?" Sherlock heard their daughter huff in annoyance and storm up the stairs to their flat. He looked up from his experiments and smiled softly at the young girl. Rosie was fifteen now and looked so much like John it astounded Sherlock.
"I hate him sometimes."
"I'm sure that isn't true, you are just upset because he won't let you go out tonight. Who are you planning on going with?"
"His name is Jason; he is in my chemistry class."
"How many dates have you two been on?"
"Three so far, tonight was supposed to be the fourth." Sherlock smiled, he loved his relationship with Rosie. She knew it was pointless to lie to him, so she was always truthful when he asked her things. That was their deal; she would tell the truth or John would find out.
"Are you two sexually active?"
"Not yet, but I think that is what was supposed to happen tonight."
"Have you had intercourse before tonight?"
"Not with another person, but I have experimented on my own." Sherlock nodded and stood, making his way to his bedroom and pulling out a condom from the bedside drawer. He always kept a stash there for him and John just in case they didn't want to bother with the clean-up after sex. He also grabbed one of the sample packets of lube, never could be too prepared. He walked back over to Rosie and handed her the items. She blushed slightly when she realized what he had handed her.
"No matter what he says, unless he wears the condom and uses the lube you are not to have any form of sex with him. Even oral, STI's can be transferred orally as well. If you change your mind and he puts up a fight, get away from there and call me and I will come get you. Do not drink beforehand; you need to stay aware of what is happening to your body to prevent injuries. Tell him if he is doing something you find unpleasant and do not fake anything. If it is disappointing he should be well aware so that he doesn't get too cocky." He knelt before his adopted daughter, taking her hands in his own and looking into her eyes. "Do you understand everything I have just said Rosamund?" She nodded timidly, looking almost nervous.
"What about Dad? He said I couldn't go."
"I will deal with John, you just go get yourself ready." He stood, pulling the girl with him and wrapping her in a tight hug. "I love you Rosamund."
"I love you to Father." Rosie then scurried off to her room, brushing past John on her way up.
"Why did she look so happy? What did you do Sherlock?"
"I told her she could go on her date."
"Sherlock, you can't undermine me like that! She is too young to be dating."