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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! So...I am obsessed with Law and Order: Special Victim's Unit and have been wanting to do a crossover for a here it is!!! a massive TRIGGER WARNING!!!!! is needed for this one as SVU already deals with Rape and things like that, but this one has descriptions of rape and assault so be warned!!!! You don't need to know the show to follow this story. Enjoy<3

Sherlock hated flying. It didn't make it any easier knowing that John wasn't with him. He was stuck next to Lestrade, who had fallen asleep and was now snoring obnoxiously. The pilot had announced about ten minutes ago that they were making their decent soon. The plane hit some turbulence and Lestrade was jolted awake, muttering something about Mycroft and dogs.

"I am sure Mycroft will be pleased to know that you compare him to a dog in your dreams." He remarked, disdain dripping from every word. He hated that Mycroft was dating the DI. The man blushed and opened his mouth to object but Sherlock cut his words short. "Now Gavin, you don't really think I would actually tell my brother you were talking about him do you? That would involve talking to him."

"It's Greg, and I wasn't comparing him to a dog. We have been discussing getting a dog-"

"I don't care." Sherlock was not in the mood for small talk. "Tell me again why we are out here?" Greg huffed, but grabbed the file that he had tucked into the seat before him.

"The Special Victim's Unit in New York city asked us to come and help them with their case. There have been a series of rapes they are having trouble getting people to believe. They want you to help them prove they happened."

"Why is no one believing the victims?"

"The victims are male sex workers." Sherlock felt cold fingers wrap around his stomach. Gay men were being targeted. That is why he had insisted that John stay behind. Their relationship was still fairly new and Sherlock would do anything to protect his blogger from learning about that side of the coin. John had grown up in a religious home and still struggled with his newfound sexuality. Granted he wasn't gay, he did fall under the bisexual category, but he still had to adjust to dating a man like Sherlock.

"Is that why you didn't bring John?" Lestrade's question pulled Sherlock from his thoughts. He looked at his brother's lover with renewed respect. The man certainly was smarter than Sherlock gave him credit for being.

"That is why I didn't bring John. He isn't ready for this." Sherlock turned to look out the window, trying to distract himself from the pain in his chest. "How long have you known about us?" Lestrade laughed and handed him the file.

"I am sleeping with your brother Sherlock, I knew from the second you guys kissed. No one supports your relationship more than Mycroft." Sherlock was shocked by those words. "I however have known that you both have had feelings for each other since that first case. Took you long enough." The two men giggled for a few minutes before settling into a comfortable silence.

Less than an hour later they were leaving the airport, looking for the detectives that were supposed to meet them.

"Do you see anyone that looks like NYPD detectives?" Lestrade asked, scanning the busy place.

"Give me your gun."

"There is no way in hell I am going to give you a loaded gun."

"Why not,"

"Because I know how you get the attention of the police and you can't just fire a gun in a crowded airport."

"John would have given me his gun-"

"Yeah well John is an idiot in love." Sherlock huffed, trying to fight the flush that grew on his cheeks. "Now, do you see the detectives yet?"

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