A/N So MandyFullertonLee sent me a prompt she found online and I wrote this little ditty. Basically, people are born knowing the name of their soulmate and then have to find that person. SMUT WARNING!!!! Not a lot but there is a bit. This is only one version as I am working on a non-smut version as well. Enjoy<3
The party was dreadful. Yet another boring attempt from Sherlock's parents to find him his soulmate. They were starting to get desperate. Sherlock was nearly twenty five now and still had yet to find his mystery man. It didn't help that the man's name was John. Of course he was destined to be with someone with a boring name.
"Do try to avoid sulking brother dear, you are the guest of honour after all." Sherlock shot his older brother a scowl and huffed as he took a sip of his champagne. Mycroft was smirking at the younger man; no doubt enjoying seeing Sherlock suffer as he had to before they found Greg.
"Fuck off Mycroft. I'll sulk if I choose."
"Oh do relax, the party is nearly over."
"You can relax, you get to go home and get properly shagged after this."
"Greg is working late tonight."
"Good." His brother chuckled and shook his head, looking out over the crowd of strangers.
"See anyone worth noticing tonight?"
"Take a wild guess, brother dear." Sherlock spat at the other man, glaring out at the people on the dance floor. He hated everyone here. How was he supposed to find his soulmate when he could feel nothing but contempt for most people? "How did you know?" He asked, his concerns finally making their way to his lips.
"How did I know what?"
"That Gavin was the right one?"
"Well, it's next to impossible to explain Sherlock, you just know. And his name is Greg."
"Who's name?"
"Don't be obtuse Sherlock." The pair chuckled, watching the crowd before them continue milling about.
"Mike, what the hell kind of party is this?" John was frustrated. His friend had drug him from his flat, promising him the time of his life. Now he found himself in some stuffy mansion, being served champagne by waiters in tuxes.
"Just relax and enjoy John, I promised you a good time and a good time I shall show you." His friend's face was flushed from laughter and he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself. John shifted uncomfortably on his sore leg, clenching and unclenching his fingers around the handle of his cane.
"Unless you are intending to take me back to your place and shag me into the carpet I really don't see this going anywhere." His words came out as a harsh hiss, sending his friend into a fit of laughter.
"Alright, I may have left out one small detail. This is a Finding for a friend of mine. I promised him I would come and I thought it would be fun to drag you along." John punched his friend in the shoulder; he should have known something was wrong.
"You drug me to a stranger's Finding? What the fuck gave you the slightest idea that I would enjoy something like this?"
"Relax John, you know, you will never find your soulmate if you never leave your bloody flat."
"I have no interest in finding my soulmate thank you very much. Can we please leave now?"
"Fine, but at least let me introduce you to my friend. You won't believe this guy." Mike grabbed John's elbow and drug him through the crowd, pointedly ignoring the angry protest coming from his friend. John let himself be pulled along, sighing in relief when they finally stopped. "Hey Holmes, how's it going?" Mike shouted above the chatter. John could hear a rather grumpy sounding response and chuckled as he glanced around the room, feeling rather uncomfortable. "Listen buddy, we are going to be taking off, I just wanted you to meet my friend." John felt himself being tugged forward and reluctantly allowed himself to be pulled closer to his friend.