A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! DeathWithLove requested that I write a part 2 of Ticklish so here it is!!! I love reading your comments and getting requests from you guys! Really brightens my day <3 Enjoy <3
It was a few weeks before anything else happened between us. We got distracted with a case and Sherlock seemed to be on his best behavior the entire time. Then the boredom came. Only a few days after the case had been solved, I came home to find him having a sulk on the sofa.
"John, I'm bored."
"I thought Lestrade was sending over some cold cases for you to look at?"
"Nothing above a four. God, why is everyone so incompetent?" I rolled my eyes and made my way into the kitchen to put away the shopping. I opened the fridge and almost dropped the eggs when I saw the pair of eyeballs staring back at me from the shelf.
"Yes John?"
"Whose eyes are in the fridge?"
"I don't know, John. I got them from Molly."
"Why are they in the fridge?"
"I didn't think you would like it if I left them on the counter."
"What John?"
"I bought you that mini fridge so you wouldn't keep body parts next to the food."
"Boring." I could feel my anger rising, I was not a fan of finding body parts next to my food. He knew this, yet he continued to do it. I set the eggs on the counter and stormed into the living room, planning on confronting him. I stood over him, clenching and unclenching my fists, waiting for him to acknowledge me. He finally did, opening his eyes and scowling up at me.
"John, must we do this every time you have a bad day?"
"I wasn't having a bad day until I came home to fucking eyes next to my dinner!"
"What are you saying John?" He suddenly sprung up, coming to stand directly in front of me. "Are you blaming me for your foul mood?"
"Well, what are you planning on doing about it? Yell at me? Threaten to destroy my experiments? Come on Dr. Watson," He leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear, sending a chill along my spine. "Intimidate me." I thought for a moment, trying to come up with a plan. An idea popped into my mind, causing a mischievous grin to cross my face. Sherlock registered the look and fear crossed his face. He scrambled away from me, waving his hands as I stalked towards him.
"What's wrong Sherlock? Not a fan of being chased?"
"John, please stop."
"Why? You told me to intimidate you."
"I'm sorry, please stop-" He cried out as he tripped over the coffee table, falling to the floor in a mess of curls and lanky limbs. I tackled him, grabbing at his sides and aggressively tickling him. He fought, squirming and laughing, trying to escape my grasp. I climbed on top of him again, using my superior strength to my advantage as he tried desperately to buck me off. He babbled nonsense, begging me to stop and promising to keep all body parts out of the fridge. I was enjoying myself though, almost laughing as hard as he was. After a few minutes of torturing my flatmate, I finally took pity on him and ceased my attack. As soon as I stopped, I found myself flipped over, pinned to the ground by a very disheveled Sherlock Holmes.
"Huh, I could get used to this." I quipped, once again feeling the need to flirt with the man I lived with. His eyes widened and he blinked a few times, looking as though he didn't have a plan now that he had me pinned. I grinned, squirming a bit for dramatic effect. We both knew I could break out of his grip easily, but I decided to see where he was planning on taking this. "What's the matter sweetheart? Not used to topping?" Sherlock flushed, looking rather uncomfortable.
"I-I- J-John-"
"Yes Gorgeous?"
"Why must you only hit on me when one of us pinned under the other?"
"I don't know, must be those stunning eyes of yours, they bring out the best in me."
"Yes Sherlock?"
"I appear to be at a disadvantage."
"I don't see how, you're the one on top."
"Yes, but you are the one with the knowledge of where things would normally progress from such a position." I grinned again, freeing my wrists from his grip and flipping him onto his back so he was once again beneath me. He gasped at the sudden change, his cheeks darkening further.
"Yes, I do believe I prefer this position." I chuckled, taking both of his wrists in one of my hands and running my free hand along his ribs, the same as I did last time. I heard his breath hitch and felt him squirm beneath me.
"What is happening here Sherlock?" I asked, still gently caressing his side. He blinked at me a few times, seemingly uncertain as to how to respond.
"I-I don't k-know."
"What do you want Sherlock?"
"K-kiss me." I obliged, leaning down and pressing my lips against his ever so softly. This was new for both of us. I was certain he had never been kissed before and I had never kissed another man before, but something about this felt right. I pulled away and sat up, giving him room to breathe, he rubbed his now freed wrists before placing his hands rather awkwardly on my hips.
"So, now what?" I asked, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. We had been dancing around our feelings since I moved in, and now it seemed that things were finally going to happen. I was happy, nervous, and terrified all at the same time, something I had never felt before.
"Dinner?" I grinned at the simple question, so much for him not knowing where things were supposed to go.