Tiny Dancer

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! So I came up with this idea last night, and it wound up piling into a whole crapload of ideas, so this is the first little bit, and if you like it I will start a book that is a bunch of cute little stories in this AU...Let me know!!! Hope you like it!!! Enjoy<3

***Edited...Check my profile for the full AU book called Tiny Dancer!!!!****

"I don't get why I have to go to Harry's stupid recital." John grumbled, sending his mother an angry glare as they settled into their seats at the front of the crowd.

"John, you're seventeen, stop your pouting." His mother scolded, sending a flare of embarrassment across the teen as he leaned back in his chair, slouching dramatically and trying to keep his face hidden. He was supposed to be at Rugby practice, not watching his irritating little sister's Ballet recital. "Sit up straight for Christ's sake." John rolled his eyes and fixed his posture, crossing his arms and reluctantly watching the stage as the lights dimmed and the curtain rose.

The first several performances were the younger kids, stumbling through their routines awkwardly. It was cute, but John was unbelievably bored.

When it came time for Harry's performance, John's mother swatted the back of his head, making sure he was focusing. It was Harry's first performance without the whole group, and despite his complaining, John knew it was a big deal. She had been paired with one of the senior dancers in the troupe, and was apparently terrified about dancing with the older student.

The curtain rose, revealing Harry posed on the far-left side of the stage, her arms reaching for the ceiling and head bowed. On the opposite side of the stage, her partner was curled in on them self, both students frozen until the music started.

As Harry's partner sprung out of their original position, and John felt his jaw drop open in shock. Harry was dancing with a boy, a tall, thin boy that John recognized from his class.

The dance was stunning, both Harry and her partner moving in perfect sync across the stage. John spent the entirety of the song with his eyes glued to the boy, watching as he danced gracefully across the stage. He felt his chest tighten and his face burn when, at the end of the song, the boy lifted Harry over his head with surprising ease, holding her there for several seconds as the music stopped and the crowd erupted into applause. The boy lowered Harry and the pair bowed before they left the stage, the boy's composure never waning even though John could see the glee in his little sister's eyes.

John and his mother made their way backstage once it was permitted, searching for Harry in the crowd of dancers.

When they found her, she was chattering excitedly with her partner, whose name was still escaping John's mind. Harry caught sight of them and gripped the boy's elbow, dragging him over to where John and his mother were hovering.

"Mum! Did you see us? We did it!" Harry sprang into Mrs. Watson's arms, excitement pouring off her.

"I did! You both were amazing! I'm so proud of you Darling." John grinned at his sister, ruffling her hair and laughing as she swatted his hand away.

"Yeah, that was pretty cool Bug." John glanced at Harry's partner, offering the boy a shy smile. "I-I'm John, by the way." He offered his hand to the boy, who blushed slightly before taking his hand in a firm grip.

"Sherlock." Recognition flooded John as he finally connected the name to the face.

"Right, we have advanced chemistry together." Sherlock blinked rapidly, nodding shyly and blushing again, tugging at the hem of the loose t-shirt he was now wearing. "I didn't know you danced." Sherlock's blush deepened and he shrugged, avoiding John's gaze.

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