A/N Alright my Lovelies.....@-StrawberryPoptart- (Not sure if the tag worked, my computer is being weird) asked for a wedding scene like in my fic The Wedding only with the roles reversed, so here it is. It's Mycroft and Greg's wedding and Greg is determined to get John and Sherlock to dance. Enjoy <3
The ceremony had been beautiful, lots of tears from everyone. Now they had all gathered in the ballroom of a hotel for the reception. Greg stood next to his new husband, grinning up at him as the MC announced the first dance. They walked out to the centre of the dance floor and Mycroft took the DI in his arms. The older Holmes sibling moved them smoothly along the floor, smiling down at Greg.
"So, when are we allowed to leave?"
"Mycroft, its our wedding. We can't just leave early."
"Why not? As you said, its our wedding."
"Because, all these people came here to celebrate with us, it would be rude to leave before that can happen."
"We have an open bar correct?"
"Yes Dear."
"Good. I think I will be needing scotch to get through the night." Greg chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to his new husband's lips. He caught sight of John and Sherlock standing near the bar, chatting and laughing. Greg had been hinting at John all week that he should ask Sherlock out. Mary was out of the picture since Magnussen was killed and he was so clearly in love with Sherlock, but John kept insisting that Sherlock was uninterested in such things.
"I'm going to get John and Sherlock together tonight."
"They have been dancing around each other since they first met! It needs to happen. I'm sick of trying to deal with them when they are both so-"
"I am begging you, please don't use the words 'sexually frustrated' to describe my little brother."
"Well they are. They both need a good shagging and I think they could help each other with that."
"Please don't."
"Too late, I have been hinting at John all week."
"Fine, but don't come crying to me when my brother shoots him down."
"Sherlock wouldn't-"
"Fine." Greg rolled his eyes and kissed his husband again as the song ended. The guests applauded, and the pair left the dance floor, instantly surrounded by people wanting to chat with the newly weds.
It was nearly an hour into the dance portion of the evening before Greg finally got to talk to John. He found him sitting at the head table, sipping a beer and looking a little sad.
"What's up man?" Greg dropped into the seat beside his Best Man, feeling the exhaustion of the day starting to set in. John looked at him and forced a tight smile onto his face.
"Oh, you know, just enjoying the music."
"What's wrong? You seem a little down."
"I hate weddings. Reminds me of what I could have had."
"You could still have that you know."
"Nah, Mary has made it perfectly clear-"
"I'm not talking about her."
"God, please not this again. I told you Greg, Sherlock has no interest in romantic relationships. Especially not one with me."
"But you admit you have feelings for him?" John was blushing furiously, fidgeting with his tie and glass.