A/N Another cute fluffy one.....this helps me cope with bad days and anxiety so expect a few of these lol. I found a pic on tumblr of Sherlock wearing glasses and a thought process was born!! I may have one for John as well that I will post when I finish it. Enjoy <3
Sherlock had been having trouble seeing, so John drug him to the Ophthalmologist. After a tantrum in the cab, the waiting room, and in the clinic, John finally got Sherlock calmed down enough for the doctor to look at him.
He needed glasses.
There was another tantrum while they were trying to choose a pair of glasses.
"John, I look ridiculous!"
"No, you don't Love."
"Yes, I do. I look like a professor."
"Well you would be the hottest professor in the school."
"Your opinion is biased John."
"Maybe so, but I'm not wrong."
It was a few weeks before John noticed anything was wrong. He woke in the middle of the night to find Sherlock's side of the bed empty. He wandered into the living room and saw his husband slouching in his chair, nursing a glass of scotch.
John walked over to Sherlock and knelt in front of him, rubbing his hands along his husband's thighs. They sat like that for a while, John just letting Sherlock come out of his mind palace slowly, same as he always did when the man got like this.
"I hate them John."
"Hate what Love?"
"The glasses."
"Why Sweetie?"
"They are always falling off my face, they keep getting dirty, and they-" He cut himself off, taking a swig of scotch before continuing. "They make me look stupid." John felt his heart break. He leaned up and kissed his husband, tasting scotch and cigarettes.
"No, they don't Love. They make you look smart, and sophisticated, and so unbelievably attractive it's physically painful sometimes." He reached for the glasses that rested on the coffee table, using his t-shirt to clean them quickly before sliding them on Sherlock's face. Sherlock looked at him through the black-framed glasses, the emotions on his face, combined with the glasses made him look younger.
"There is one thing I like about these things."
"What's that Love?"
"Every time I put them on, I get reminded of just how stunning you are." John blushed and kissed his husband again. When he broke the kiss, he pulled back to see Sherlock grinning at him.
"There's that smile I love so much." Sherlock blushed and leaned down to capture John's lips in another kiss.
"Thank you, John."
"I love you Sherlock. Now, can we go to bed Love?" Sherlock nodded, watching John as he stood, pulling his husband to his feet. He leaned up on his toes and kissed the detective again, finding himself pulled close against his husband's body. He felt Sherlock run his hands along his body, reaching down and grabbing the back of his thighs and lifting him off his feet. John let out an undignified squawk at the suddenness of the action, even though his legs easily wrapped around Sherlock's waist without a second thought.
Sherlock chuckled and carried John into their bedroom with ease.
"Keep the glasses on."
"Seriously John?"
"What? I think they're hot."
"You are a strange man."
"It's a good thing you love me then."
"Yes, it is."